Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Win a Dear Lillie Gift Card!

We still don't have any power at home, but most of Williamsburg does (I'm posting from Jon's office) so we should be getting it back pretty soon, which means we will be opening on Thursday at 12:01 am as planned (that's less than 36 hours away)! We've actually been sewing by candlelight just trying to get everything ready, but I think we should be good to go by the time Thursday rolls around.

So, now onto our big giveaway. This time we are giving away a $50 gift card to use when our store opens! We don't have quite as many new items ready to go as we had planned but they will be added in the coming days and weeks. We have quite a few things that are almost done but need labels sewn in and to be added to inventory (like scarves and shirts) and quite a few more things that are in the process of being made (like Thanksgiving and Christmas pillows!)

In the meantime I thought I would show you a few of the new items that we will have available when we open:

We have some new shopping bags:

Our Organic Annistyn Scarf in Winter White
(we have a very limited quantity now but will have more and also have some in black in another week or two):

We now are offering baby cloths! My mom made some of these when Lola was born and I absolutely adored them. They are soft and so pretty and everywhere we have gone people have asked where I got them so we decided to offer them in the shop. They come in a nuetral set, a pink set and a blue set:

We also will have quite a few tutus in stock and a bunch of our hand knit-hats:

And we will have lots of silhouette and Je'Taime Pillows available too:

So, how can you win this $50 gift card?

This time it is a bit different! We are trying to grow our facebook page now that we are opening our shop back up again so to enter this one:

simply like our facebook page and "share" it with your friends

(you can find a link to do this on our facebook page). Then comment on this post that you "shared" this with your friends and we will pick a winner!

p.s. Don't worry if you don't have a facebook page. We will have more of our regular giveaways coming up soon!

Monday, August 29, 2011

No Power, Big Giveaway Coming!

Just wanted to check in and let you all know that we still don't have power here in Virginia, and we aren't sure yet when it will be coming back. As soon as we get it back we will be hosting a giveaway for a gift certificate to our shop. We are hoping to get power back later today, but that's what we were expecting yesterday so I guess we'll see.

Living by candlelight...

This is the tree in our back yard. 

Fortunately it didn't hit the house, and that's really all that happened here for damage. Its way worse in the area of New England that we are from. We are keeping them and everyone else affected by the storm in our prayers. This is a picture of my brother-in-law and his family's building supply store.

Photo by Ryan Druke

Hope you all stayed safe, and have a wonderful Monday! Hopefully we'll be back later today with the giveaway.

p.s. As long as we do regain power today or tomorrow, we will open as planned on Thursday, although we probably won't have quite as much inventory in stock as we had planned.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Some Purple to End The Summer and the Winner of the Briar Hat

 As I mentioned earlier I had been wanting to add some purple to our living and dining room since Easter but hadn't gotten around to it. I had seen a post by Yvonne at Stone Gable that had me itching to add some lavender touches. I can't find the actual post now but you should definitely head on over and visit her blog. Her tablescapes are absolutely gorgeous! Anyway, seeing how there are still a few more weeks before we can start doing any autumn decorating I decided just to add a few touches of purple to fill up the space for the next week or two. I really love the potted lavender!

And now for the winner of the Briar Hat:

Congratulations! Please contact us at dearlillie@hotmail.com with your address and we will get your hat shipped on out to you!

I hope you all have a fabulous Friday!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Touch of Lavender

We had quite the busy day here and were surprised in the middle of the afternoon when an earthquake hit here in Virginia. It sounds like pretty much everyone up and down the east coast felt it. It was one of the weirdest sensations I have ever felt. Afterwards Lillie kept asking to go see the flying scarf. Yeah, don't worry - we have no idea what she is referring to either. Somehow in her mind the earthquake and a flying scarf are tied together although we have no idea what the connection is =).

On another note, although I have started itching for fall I knew it was still too early to start decorating with pumpkins and gourds =).   I have been wanting to add a temporary hint of purple to our living and dining room for several months now but had not gotten around to it. When we were at Fresh Market this weekend though, I saw some beautiful potted lavender plants and I got inspired. I decided to head back yesterday and pick one up along with some other purple flowers. After having some fun rearranging some things in both rooms I am now okay with the fact that fall is still a little ways off. I love the fresh feeling the lavender adds! I have always struggled with my mantle a bit but I think it is now my favorite part of the room.  I had planned on posting all the pictures today but haven't had time to finish editing and loading them so instead I will just show you a few close-ups  and will hopefully have time to post pictures of how the little touches of lavender look in both rooms either tomorrow or Friday. 

I also wanted to let you all know about this great blog called the CSI Project. I am so excited to be a  guest judge on there this week for the Makeover A Lamp Challenge which starts at midnight tonight for any of you that would like to enter.

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I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday!

PS - Don't forget there is still time to enter to win our Briar Hat! Just scroll down to the post below this!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Sponsors and Our Briar Hat Giveaway

We are going to be giving one of these hats away, but first we wanted to let you know that after a lot of thought over the past several months, we have finally decided to begin adding sponsors to our sidebar.  We have been getting requests for some time now, but we were a bit hesitant about doing it. I know most bloggers have mixed feelings about the idea.  However, with our store reopening in about a week and a half, we decided to take the plunge.  We will post new sponsors on (or just before) the first day of each new month, and new sponsors will get their buttons featured in a post sometime during their first month. So, if you are interested in placing an ad on our sidebar just let us know.

Our first three sponsors will receive an additional month FREE of charge
and a special Dear Lillie GIFT as well!

Here's an example button as far as the sizing goes.

Please view our sponsors page or send us an email for more information!

Okay and now onto our GIVEAWAY! 
This week we are going to be giving away one of our Briar Hats in Cream!

 Here are some shots of Lillie wearing hers:


And here are some shots some of our customer's have shared with us:

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So, how can you win?
The giveaway rules are the same as always:

All you have to do is leave a comment on this post!

You don't have to have a blog to enter, either. If you aren't a blogger, just enter a comment and then where it says "comment as" scroll down near the bottom and click on anonymous. However, if you do that, make sure to leave your e-mail address so we can confirm that you are the winner. If we draw the name of someone who doesn't leave any identifying information we will simply draw a new name. Make sure to check back here on the blog to collect your prize!

You can comment each day if you would like to up your chances!

For extra entries become a follower of our blog, twitter
and/or  like our facebook page!

Just write "follower" as a second comment so it counts as an entry,  and "twitter"
and "facebook" as their own entries.

You can enter this contest through Thursday and then Friday we will announce the winner.