Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Couple of Finds from this Summer

Despite the fact that I fell in love with about 50 million things from the antique shops and quaint little stores we went to up in NH this summer, I only bought four small things (partially because nothing more could possibly have fit in our car and partially because Jon would have died). Anyway, here are two of them. I will show you the other two once I take some pictures of them. I am absolutely itching for autumn to arrive so I can start decorating with all sorts of natural fall elements. Fall is always my most favorite time to decorate, but seeing how it is still in the 90's here I know I need to wait a while longer and not jump the gun.

I loved this adorable little bucket! I am trying to find some subtle ways to bring black back into our house. In our first home we had a ton of it and then when we moved here I got almost completely rid of it and painted everything ivory, white or gray, but the past few months have been starting to bring pops of black back in.

I also found this fun burlap pillow to go in our family room! I had hoped to find a pair of them but no luck. Still I really love how this one looks. The little ribbon was on it and now I am trying to find more of it because I would love to use some similar to tie onto the Fairyland Silhouette Tees (image shown in the post below).

I also hung two of my favorite photos from this summer in some frames I had out in the garage above the chairs.  Eventually I plan on doing something different, but in the interest of saving money (it cost me $4 to print each picture) this works for now!

I still hate the two fur pillows behind the silhouette ones, but as mentioned in a previous post they were all I had in the garage that were the right size and haven't gotten around to buying or making new ones yet. I really really love some from Restoration Hardware that I saw on Lissa's blog, A Dash of Humble Pie. Her home is absolutely gorgeous and I fell in love with these pillows and she was kind enough to tell me where she got them.  Here is a shot of her home:

And of course it's hard to do a post without a few pictures of Miss Lillabel. Especially seeing how I know my family is going through major withdrawels now after her departure.

Here are a few from the farmer's market  in Colonial Williamsburg on Saturday (although its kind of hard to tell we are at the farmer's market in these pics).

Her Auntie Dana spent the morning teaching her how to cross her arms and pout, something she mastered quite well as a child (thanks alot Dana!) =)

Of course her favorite part was the yummy lemonade from Aromas!
Shoes are Joyfolie and Hair Clip and The Scout Dress are Dear Lillie

Don't forget to enter our giveaway to win one of our Montgomery Clutches!!!!!

Oh, and in my next post I will let you all know about the sale we are going to be running on all of our screenprinted items the first week that they are available!

Well, that's all for now. I hope you are all having a most lovely week so far!


  1. Love your new finds..especially that bucket..they look great in your home..which is beautiful btw! I wish I knew how to decorate my home like so many of you can. Hopefully when we move in a couple years I'll be more inclined to do so in our next home. Our current home is pretty builder basic and has no character so I'm uninspired. I really like those fur pillows! Let me know if u decide to get rid of them. I'll take em off your hands :) Hope u are having a great week!


  2. hahahaha thank you for the nod on the pouting--i'm pretty proud of my trademark! and lillie has DEFINITELY mastered least i haven't taught her the pout/foot-stomp combo yet!

  3. * I love your blog! Your daughter is so precious and you and your family are so talented~I cant wait to buy some items from you~*Blessings, Rachel

  4. Love the new finds! I can't wait to be able to decorate a new place, hopefully soon... Lillabel pouting is so stinking adorable!

  5. That bucket is fabulous! The pillow is perfect in your beautifully accessorized room. I always love seeing pictures of your home. It is gorgeous!
    Lillabel crossing her arms is my new favorite picture. LOVE it!

  6. I love your new finds. Your home is so beautiful and your daughter is the most adorable little girl!

  7. Beautiful! I was wondering where you found the silhouette pillows. They are adorable.



  8. Thanks guys! Lillie's pout is cute for now seeing how she doesn't know how to use it properly may not be so cute once she does - haha!

    Ruthie - The pillows are from Lacy In The Sky on Etsy. www.
    The boy pillow is her standard silhouette pillow but then she made the girl one from Lillie's silhouette.

  9. Love the new pictures! Lillie is too cute for her own good! I think she'll be getting away with a lot of pouting!

  10. Hey Lady! L.O.V.E. your new finds!!! OMGosh!!! I am so jealous {i know I use that word loosely but trust me, it's a good kind of jealous:) } I am sooooo wanting to change the look of my living & dining rm and kitchen!! I was so inspired after seeing Dreamy Whites house and A Dash of humble Pies house!!! I am So in love with this all white shabby chic industrial look that's going on!!!! *sigh* someday. I would do it now but we've been talking about moving so I'm going to wait:) LOVE the pics of Lillie!!! She is just so beautiful!!! I LOVE her chunky lil legs!! :)

  11. I LOVE that bucket! it's so cute! I'm not quite ready for fall decor but maybe the pre fall stuff like sunflowers and candles. thank you so much for the kind words about my home. Your daughter is just darling as usual! Does she ever have a bad hair day? :)

  12. Hey Lissa - it is funny that you say that - I am hoping to get some sunflowers tomorrow at the Farmer's Market to start slowly bringing fall in...your home is so beautiful and your blog is always so inspiring to me!

    Also - yes, poor Lillie's hair is usually a complete mess within about ten minutes of me doing it. I generally try to take pics as soon as I get her hair up, otherwise it is a disaster - haha!

  13. Love it girl! Everything looks stunning and I bet you could find that bow in the L.A. garmet district...another reason to come see me! :) xoxo

  14. your house looks like a photo spread in a pottery barn magazine. i came across your blog from I Heart Faces...everything is so it!

  15. Geeeezzz! You have a beautiful blog with so much eye candy! I am following . . . can't resist!
    Warmly, Michelle
