Thursday, September 16, 2010

Some Fall Decorating...

First, a huge thank you so everyone who made Monday and Tuesday our busiest days ever in our Etsy shop! We are completely sold out of the Fairyland Quote with Silhouette and Ribbon Shirt and sold out of several sizes in several other styles. I have two more Mary Poppins styles coming in hopefully by the weekend and I also am having more of the Fairyland Shirts printed as well as more Jane Austen's. I think I am going to print the Jane Austen one on a thermal as well. It will probably be a good two weeks or so before I have any of those, though.

Anyway, here are some photos of the autumn decorating we have started to do. I love using natural elements (pine cones, acorns, real turkey feathers my dad collects for me from my parent's property up in NH, etc.) but unfortunately I learned the hard way that in the south using real pumpkins in September can be a disaster - they rot in about three days. (It is 90 degrees out right now, YUCK!)  So, for this month, my pumpkins are all fake. =( Once October comes and it finally starts to cool down a bit, we will head to the farmer's market and get some real ones! YAY!

I used mostly browns and some greens in the living room and dining room and then added a few touches of orange in the family room. The empty looking tree branch in the dining room is a project I started but haven't finished yet. I am planning on printing off the poem, The Raven, by Edgar Allen Poe, on a bunch of small pieces of tea stained paper and hanging it from the tree and possibly print off some vintage looking fall elements as well and hanging them. Once I finally get to that I will post pictures, but for now it is just a random tree branch - sorry!

Note to Self: Stop taking photos in a hurry! After looking at these pictures I am bound and determined to quit taking photos in such a hurry. When I finally get around to taking them of Lillie's new room I am going to try and take my time so that hopefully I can actually get a decent shot or two. These pictures I took with Lillie running around (she's cropped out of several of them - haha) in about two minutes and then when I got them on my computer wish I had of taken a little more care while shooting them. Oh well, they are all I have for now and I am overdue for a post so they will have to do.

Another project I have seen on two of my favorite blogs recently, Miss Mustard Seed and My Sweet Savannah is something  They rip off the covers of books and tie them together. I really want to do this project and add it to this room.

How cute are these books from My Sweet Savannah?

And these ones from Miss Mustard Seed:

And last but not least, I want to introduce you all to Catherine who we hired a few weeks ago. She is in charge of packaging up all of the orders that go out as well as cutting fabric for me. She has been such a huge help so far! (Lillie just woke up from her nap so not exactly looking her happiest).

Lillie's shoes are by Joyfolie.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!


  1. All of your Fall decor looks so pretty, I've been doing the same thing today, although a little cool weather would be nice (; Lillie is so darn cute!!

  2. I wished my "take my time" pictures looked half as good as your quick ones!!!

  3. Where did you find your fake gourds? They look real! And great idea re: turkey feathers. Does he pluck them from the birds, or finds them just lying around?

  4. Ruthie - I think I got the fake gourds at a place called Savvy in Williamsburg. And my dad gets the feathers off of the ground - haha, the thought of him plucking them made me laugh out loud!

  5. can i hire you to come and decorate my house? i am not even kidding...

    i think i might need to save some money first, as that backyard is killing me - but your decorating is beautiful and if i could pick someone to decorate mine, i would pick you! starting my saving today!

  6. Hi Jenni! Your Fall decor looks fantastic. Love your color choices, especially using just the small touches of orange. We have the chill in the air already but I've only managed to buy pumpkins so far. You've inspired me...maybe this weekend I'll pull out the decor while the boys watch football. Hope you're feeling well...I'm finally starting to feel more like myself again!! xo

  7. May we trade homes!?! :) Your home is like living out of a magazine.

    Just Better Together

  8. Jenni!!!!!!! OMWORD! At first I thought these were pics that you cut out of a magazine until I saw the pics of Lillie! I know I am not great about reading so I glance at pics and then I realized these are of your home! YOU AMAZE ME!!!!! Congrats on selling sooo many shirts. They were a great price!!! And oh sooooo cute! Hugs Jenn

  9. Wow. WOW! you are do you find time while feeling sick, taking care of a toddler and running Dear Lillie-- to get your house looking so amazing?!

    you are my hero

  10. Thanks guys! Jenni - I wish we lived closer too! Lola and Lillie would love each other and I would LOVE to help you decorate. It is by FAR my favorite thing to do. If Jon had a job where we knew we were going to stay in one place for a while I would so much rather be doing that than sewing! However, college coaching means lots of moving and sewing is awfully easy to pack up and bring with you - haha!

    Kare - I am so relieved to hear you are finally feeling better!

    Jamie - If you could see my house now you would take that back - haha! I just put Lillie down and it seriously looks like a tornado went through here. How one child can make such a mess is beyond me! I cannot fathom how you do it with triplets!

  11. I feel so bad for Lillie... She probably isn't allowed to go near any of your decorations haha

  12. So kind of you to pop on over and comment Jas! Especially seeing how I comment on your blog EVERY post! And FYI Lillie actually helped me decorate!

  13. I absolutely adore all of your new fall decorations! I hope you and Dana will help me decorate my new place! Also I am so happy you were able to hire someone to help. Hope to meet Catherine soon. Maybe while I am playing with Lillabel and you two are hard at work.... :)

  14. I have become a HuGe fan of white pumpkins this year my Granddaughter calls them Cinderella coaches :) Love how you put the brown with it so beautiful. Oh one last thing I am looking forward to the Mary Poppins shirt and the Jane Austin with the ribbon was so full of cuteness! Excited to see them when they come in!!

  15. The fall decor AND the photos look great! Thanks for sharing.

    Warmly, Michelle

  16. I found your blog from the Tatertots and Jello blog. You have some gorgeous stuff in your etsy shop!

  17. Oh, my goodness--I so understand about the rished photos! All my photo friday pictures are taken in a hurry on table tops or random places, while Mia pulls on my leg. The photos are GREAT though! Love the fall decor :)

  18. Ok yeah so...pretty much my favorite fall decor EVER. :) Absolutely breathtaking - all of it! XO
