Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Some New Features

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful week. We have been busy working away here. Last night Jamie and I worked on a project we are doing on her guest bedroom wall above the bed. It is almost finished so I am hoping to show it to you all with a tutorial either Friday or Monday.  My mom and I have also been working on the mantel here and doing a little tweaking at Jamie's, both of which I hope to photograph in the next day or two. And then we are about half-way done with an art project for Jamie's powder room. And once those projects are done I have about 20 more to get started on, including several for Jamie's 25th birthday party. 

Jason has also been busy working away. One of his first projects was to start cleaning up the blog a bit (mainly the sidebar) and making it easier to navigate and find things. He added several new pages including a page that has links to all of our tutorials and a page that shows each of the rooms in our home as well as where we got different pieces that we have received e-mails about. I tried to make sure to include everything that we have been asked about more than once but may have forgotten a few things. We hope that will make it easier trying to find things like paint colors. I know it can be such a pain digging through a bunch of old posts trying to find that kind of information. The only page that we haven't finished is the frequently asked questions page which we will try to finish soon. You can find the buttons to all of these pages up top under our blog header!

We are having so much fun up here at my parents. Tonight Jake and Jason brought Lillie to her first movie! I think she felt like quite the grown-up. I had planned on taking a photo as they headed out the door but there was so much going on I forgot. Oh well.  She also had a sleepover at Jamie and Dutch's over the weekend.  I didn't get any photos of that either. =( I can't believe how grown up she is getting. Because I hate to have a post without any pictures, though, I thought I would include a shot of Lillie as she was headed out to Sweet Frog with Dana last week.

I hope you all like the new pages and buttons! Have a great rest of the week. Hopefully we will be back Friday with a tutorial for a project that we did for free!


  1. You guys look like you are having a blast. Great new buttons/pages. I also love the picture of Lillie-- are those tights or leggings? Its too stinkin' cute.

  2. Oh my, sounds like you're a busy girl. Can't wait to see what you've been up to. Lillie looks like such a cutie :)

  3. What a fun trip! Get to spend time with your family and decorate/work on projects! Can't beat that! I looove your new blog setup, great job!! I love Lillie's outfit, she's a doll!
    Have a great time!

  4. sounds like you are busy, but being so productive! your time off isn't really off is it?!

    it is so fun to watch your kids grow, i feel like every moment gets better and better with kyan and lola the older that they get!

    love that picture of lillie! she is a beauty!

  5. So happy life is good! I need some of what you are drinking! LoL! YOU have so much energy! I love it!! I just finished a wall in my bedroom. 400 pages later... we have an amazing book page wall. A vintage romantic feel.
    I can't wait to see what you are up too. Your home is soooo beautiful!!
    Thank you for sharing your home & darling family with all of us.
    Happy holiday Weekend! enjoy

  6. I am glad you are enjoying your time with family. Sounds like Miss Lillie is getting quite independent! We are still navigating our way through Harry's stuff...and thinking of cutie Lola.

  7. Love the new buttons and organization! I can't wait to see the projects you have been working on! :)


  8. She is so adorable! Is she wearing the sleeves that you can wear as legwarmers too? I bought a bunch for the girls on my Christmas list last year - thought they were a great idea! Glad all is well. You sound super busy! Can't wait to see what you have been working on!

  9. Lillie is absolutely precious in her stripes and hot pink tutu! Your blog looks wonderful and very organized. I look forward to seeing all the projects you are working on.

  10. You are one amazing woman! We just got back from Ireland and I am trying to catch up! I love the Je'taime shirt. Jemma gets so many compliments on it anytime she wears it!

  11. Thanks everyone. B's Mommy - that book page wall sounds awesome.

    Lillie is wearing striped leggings. Both Jon and I got her a pair (from Gap Kids) for her birthday this year and we didn't realize it so she ended up with two pairs. We kept them both because she loves them and lives in them. She thinks they look like the leggings that that "Olivia" (the little pig in the books) wears.

    Jem's Mom - I am so jealous you went to Ireland!
