Monday, August 1, 2011

A Party Preview and the Winner of the Je Taime Pillow

 Well, I had hoped to be able to show you all of the pictures from Jamie's Jane Austen birthday party today, but I didn't have time to finish editing the photos or write a real post. Seeing how I did need to announce the winner of the giveaway, though, I thought I would at least show you a couple of pictures and then as soon as I have the rest edited I will do a full post on it.

 Also, I wanted to let you all know about the option to sign up for our Mailing List over on the top of our sidebar. Don't worry - we won't flood your inbox. We plan on sending out an e-mail about twice a month or so with discount codes and info on new products. If you would like to receive them just fill in your e-mail address!

 And now for the winner of our Je T'aime Pillow Cover:

Congratulations to Kristel!

Send us an e-mail at with your address so we can get it sent on out to you!

I hopefully will be able to finish editing the Jane Austen Party photos this afternoon during nap time and will be able to do a full post on it tomorrow! And we also have another fun giveaway coming up later this week. I hope you all have a marvelous Monday!


  1. The sneak peek photos of the party look amazing! Can't wait to see more.

  2. Congratulations Kristal!...
    And great looking party!

  3. The party looks beautiful! Can't wait to see more. Congratulations to Kristel.

  4. Jane Austen b-day party?! I love it!

  5. Found you via CotM at the old painted cottage. Man your home is a stunner! I love all your details, and the warmt it gives off. I would perhaps kill for the back porch!!! And your photography is brilliant as well!!! Sigh, I will be back!!!
