Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Fun in the Mud

Thanks to all of the rain we had here last week there was a little river running behind our house. Lillie has two new best friends that just moved into our neighborhood and they all had a ball playing in the mud last week! 

I hope that you all have a wonderful Tuesday!


  1. Yeah! I think it is so great that you play in the rain and mud!! childhood at it's best!

  2. Oh my!!! All the neighbor kids played during a rain shower one day then hit the freshly dug out part for landscaping. They had so much fun!!! Jemma put her feet in the mud while the others bathed in it. I tried to get her to just roll around and have fun, but she looked me dead in the eye and said, "It is just too dirty for me."! Ha!!!

  3. cuteness! isn't it so fun when you just let them play like this?! love the photos - lillie looks thrilled!

    xo ellie

  4. How fun!!! Wonderful memories and beautiful photographs freezing these amazing moments in time!

    Lou Cinda :)

  5. That looks like the best time! So fun playing in the mud~your little girl is a spitfire!

  6. looks like soooo much fun! great.

  7. :) I have a huge smile! Looks like the BEST time ever!!! So much fun!

  8. Love the yin and yang of your photos; from princess to tomboy. Just as childhood should be.

  9. That looks like so much fun it makes me want to go find some mud;)!

    You're a sweet Mama!

    hope all is well!

  10. Oh what fun Lillie looks like she had! Great photos!

  11. Even covered in a little mud, she's adorable. How fun!!

  12. i want to go play in the mud. right now.

    she looks like she is having so much fun! adorable pictures!

  13. Cracks me up that she's such a tomboy! A gorgeous one at that :D Such great pictures - she is having a BLAST!!!
