Monday, November 21, 2011

An Addiction and Two Winners

I don't know about you all, but I have a serious addiction. In my opinion it is one of the best ideas EVER! I was one of those strange people who had huge three ring binders full of pages I had ripped out of magazines. I had seven (yes, seven!) total binders and they were each at least two inches thick, and every last one of them was jam packed full of images from wedding ideas, to crafts to home design. As much as I loved having everything neatly organized once I had Lillie and then Dear Lillie started I never had time to add to those binders. In fact, I think it has been well over three years since I had actually filed anything in them. I had ripped images out of magazines since then, of course, but had just stuffed them in folders or drawers figuring maybe someday I would have time to file them. So, when I discovered pinterest this past spring I fell madly in love! I could finally have everything organized again but it was going to be a million times easier and quicker. Along with adding new pins daily to my own account, it is also fun seeing items from our blog and shop being pinned too! Anyway, I thought I would share a few of my favorite images and ideas that I have pinned over the last several months. 

First is this gorgeous shot of Marilyn's home that was featured as a Cottage of the Month this May 
at The Old Painted Cottage. I am in love with every single thing in this room!

This mudroom is amazing (and about as big as our whole downstairs!) Look at that ceiling!

I really want to make some of these adorable stars like Aina of Modern Country for our tree this year.

I am drooling looking at this recipe by The Girl Who Ate Everything! I want to try this soon!

Even though it has been five years since Jon and I got married I still LOVE looking at wedding ideas. This cake (photographed by Jen Huang) is so charming! 

And this reception that was featured on Style Me Pretty is stunning!

So, if somehow you don't know about Pinterest I highly recommend heading on over and checking it out. I think you will fall in love too!

Also, we were gone all weekend at a basketball tournament in Lynchburg and got home late last night so I am terribly behind on e-mails. I will start working on them this afternoon during nap time, though! 

I hope you all have a wonderful Monday! Can you believe Thanksgiving is just three days away?

P.S. Also we should have one more batch of the Ruffled Burlap Stockings and Quilted Burlap Stockings available later today. After that, I am not sure we will have time to get any more done because we are working on several more large batches of pillows.

P.P.S. And I almost forgot! Here are the two winners of our Joy to the World Pillow Cover Giveaway!
First up:

Congratulations to Jenna!

 And now for winner two:

Congratulations Jessica!

Just send us and e-mail to with your shipping address ladies and we will get those shipped right on out to you! If we haven't heard anything in 3 days we will pick another winner!

Thank you all for entering! We have more giveaways planned for the holiday season including one hopefully later this week!


  1. i am absolutely in love with pinterest and have seen your boards and have pinned some of your pics myself! i agree that it is one of the coolest ideas...evah! (-:
    i can.not.wait for christmas so i can open my new briar hat from my girl! i'm to act most surprised of course!

  2. I had to laugh when I read your post! I do this too. I have favorite pictures I've saved all these years, in binders, cross stitch patterns I ripped out of magazines...what is funny is no matter how old the pictures are when I look at them I STILL DROOL! hOW funny that we love certain things and they just 'GET' to us!
    I sure enjoy your blog by the way!

  3. I am also addicted!! I pin and then repin other pins and then people repin my pins and I get emails that something pinned my pin and I think, oh what was that? And then jump on to see it and think, oh yeah, I really love that! lol

    It is SUCH fun!

    Have a great week!!

    Lou Cinda :)

  4. I have about 12 of those binders, most of which I started in high school! How funny to see how others did the same thing. I guess it makes sense why Pinterest is such a popular thing! I just started this weekend and can't believe how much I love it already.

    Love your blog, love your shop, love your photos, love it all :)

  5. I have lots of binders myself. I can't just toss a magazine. I wish I could, but I can't! Love your pinterest finds - the stars are adorable!

  6. addicted to pinterest too! new follower, can't believe it took me so long to find you on there!

  7. I agree, Pinterest is pretty darn cool. It's so nice to have a central place to keep all the billions of cool ideas floating in our heads. When i first heard about it, i thought, oh brother... not something else to do! there's email, and etsy, and twitter, and blogs, and facebook, and webpages, and now what!??? But it's a great site for us visual people, and i see your stuff there all the time!


  8. I share your addiction to Pinterest! I often plan my weekly menu's using recipes I've pinned. It is pretty neat to see things from your owm blog there too! Have a great week! Susan

  9. I'm also totally addicted to Pinterest! It is so much fun and much more efficient than saving old magazines "just in case" I needed an idea some day ;)

  10. I LOVE pinterest...and I WON!?!?!?!? I am SOOOO excited! {I just had to call my mom!!} Thanks!


  11. I love all of your photos and will go check out Pinterest now..Have a great Thanksgiving..

  12. So funny, I have items cut from magazines saved as well and am also loving the idea of Pinterest! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  13. Hi Jennifer! I love those paper flowers! I also want to invite you to my Shabby Apple giveaway...they are offering a wonderful dress!!!

  14. I am so addicted to Pinterest as well!

  15. I guess us ladies like to pin before pinning came into style!
    I think I'll photograph some of my favorite decor images and upload them onto pinterest. There's also an old file on my computer of images I'd saved from around the blogosphere, so I just added most those as well. Until today I never knew how to do that (add images from my computer) but it's so easy!

    Congratulations to Jessica!

  16. Five years married. I hope your having a blast being married. I hear it's a lot of fun.
