Thursday, November 3, 2011

November...Free Download

Happy November everyone! Don't you just love this time of year? I always get giddy with excitement as the holidays approach! And now along with Thanksgiving and Christmas we have Lillie's birthday sandwiched in there too! Ahhh - there is so much to do! I am not going to do much for Thanksgiving as far as decorating goes because next week I am going to start working on Christmas. I know, I know, it is super early to be doing that, but I have a good reason. I promise.

However, I did change out last month's quote for one of my favorite November quotes. I also did one with Psalm 100 which I didn't have time to photograph. Hopefully I will get to that tomorrow! Once I do I will post that as well.

This quote is from one of my favorite books, Anne of Green Gables! 
If you want to download it for free just click on the image and it will bring you to our website. 
Then just download it and you can print it any size you would like!

I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!


  1. Lillie, I love the frame, thank you for the printout! I will have to do that for sure. Love it! I love your tutorials also! I just posted one on my blog, take a sec and go look when you get a chance.
    Love your blog, keep up the great work!! And thanks again.

  2. Thanks for the printout. My daughter's birthday is in November, and she absolutely loves Anne of Green Gables, so I'm thinking of doing this to give to her as a birthday gift. Neat idea! I'm also glad to hear that you are starting Christmas deco next week! I'm planning on doing that as well! Please post as you go along! So I can copy!

  3. This is a gorgeous quote and perfect for this time of year!! Thank you for sharing!!!

    I can't do Christmas until after Thanksgiving. That was my Mom's big thing and it has been hammered into me! I totally understand the birthday thing as Jemma's is the week before Christmas. Just makes it a busy festive time!! Can't wait to see all you do for Christmas!

  4. Sounds like you have something interesting going on... getting ready for Christmas so early...
    and, such a pretty print out for November, i'm a November girl too...


  5. never too early for Christmas....I've started this week. Mainly packing away 'fall' decor and planning on the xmas decor, but I've started nonetheless =)

  6. I love your beautiful pictures!!!
    Never too early for Christmas!!
    I hope you have a wonderful Thursday too!

  7. Thank you for the download, I love Anne of Green Gables, always have! Happy Thursday! t.xoxo

  8. Oh I love Anne of Green Gables. Don't you hate how there's no time these days to read for fun? My best friend just decorated her apartment, completely covered it with Christmas decorations this past weekend. I'm excited to see your decorations!

  9. Thank you so much for the free download..Have a great week..

  10. Oh come on, are you getting ready for a big magazine layout or tv show?? Tell us!! In the meantime, I am wanting to jump past Thanksgiving myself and start decorating for Christmas. I went to Michaels today and got some wonderful cedar garland that has icey snow bits on its leaves!

  11. Dear Lillie I found your blog accidently and I liked it very much!! You do a great job!! I will follow you!! Best regards from Greece!!

  12. Oh, I'm so glad you have a printable f

  13. Whoops... Got cut off! Loved your October printable, so I am very happy for November, as well! Anne of Green Gables was my favorite book series! I swear I used to read it by memory! :) Thanks!

  14. Thanks so much for the November printable. Love it. You have a beautiful site.

  15. Thanks so much for your free printables! I love them! I have the perfect spot (an old typewriter) for them and would never have been able to do that myself!

  16. Love your printables!! Of course, love everything you share! Are you willing to share the font name of the script as used in 'November?' Thank you!

    1. It's been a while since I did that one but looking at it I would guess maybe Porcelain, or maybe Shellfish?

    2. Thank you SO much!! Have a great week!
