Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Birthday Blake

Today was Blake's 15th Birthday!

 If you want to read more about Blake you can read this post here and visit the brand new website created in his memory, Blake's Story.  Also, this month we will be donating a portion of each sale to Blake's Project

We love and miss you so much, sweet precious boy! 


  1. Unable are the loved to die. For love is immortality. ~Emily Dickinson
    You are in our thoughts and prayers.

  2. Such a beautiful boy. Happy birthday Blake. Wrap your loving arms around your family extra tight today to let them feel your presence.

  3. I'm praying that Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, will comfort you and your family today, and that He will flood your hearts, your lives, and your day, with the life giving uplifting power of His resurrection. God Bless you all!!!

  4. Awwwwww, what a cutie. Happy Birthday Blake, you most certainly are missed here on earth...


  5. He is so precious!! Praying for your family today as you remember the times shared with Blake!!

  6. Wow~~ What a story and a boy that is certainly missed. Prayers to you all. I also have a Blake a can't imagine the heartbreak. It sounds like he was a wonderful boy whose life impacted many.

  7. I was thinking of him yesterday as my boys were flying a kite. You are in my prayers.

  8. What a great promise we have being Christians, that we will see him one day. My heart breaks for the whole family.. I just can't imagine the pain as I have a little boy of my own. Praying for all. anu

  9. Keeping your family in my prayers today, Jennifer. Sending you a hug.

  10. I just read Blake's story..I cried and then I prayed and thanked God for bringing such a shining example for all of us to follow..I wish you all love, peace and comfort.

  11. Thinking of you and your will all be together again ♥

  12. I am sure today was such a hard day for you and your family. I kissed my own sweet baby a couple extra times as I read your post this morning and I wanted to get on tonight to write you a little thank you for the sweet reminder. I hope you found comfort in his loving memories today. He has touched so many of us.

  13. Ooowwww ! Happy birthday precious boy.Everything will be okay.You and your family will be together soon.sell my house

  14. Oh No! That is wayyy too sad :( I hope his family is coping and I will be thinking of them, and you guys..... Melaine

  15. Oh, Jenni. April 9 will always be a hard day.

    I was sick (throwing up) yesterday and had to miss the festivities. My Lee (who turned 15 on March 29) walked/ran the 5K, and then my husband and two of my boys got to go to the reception. Lee got to release one of the balloons last night; I think that meant a lot to him. Jack told me that you could see the balloons for a long, long time, and then they just disappeared. Can't even think about it without tears.

    Hope you and yours had a wonderful Easter. Thank God for the Resurrection!

  16. I still think about him every so's amazing how blogland has allowed us to touch each other lives even from so far away. Much Love,


  17. I sobbed as I read the story. I have a 12 yr old boy soon to be 13....I cannot imagine the pain. Prayers for your family and a peace that passeth all understanding. Thankful that we serve a God that gives us grace and peace and strength when we have none. I buried my first husband almost ten years ago...His enough...His enough...may your family feel the mighty arms of God around you as you all walk this difficult path of healing.
