Thursday, April 26, 2012

Pink Reagan Pillow

We have been busy working on quite a few different new products from new Ruler Growth Charts, oversized "As for me and my house..." signs with hooks, and new screenprinted burlap and cotton pillows. Unfortunately because we are switching on how we do things so we can start producing much larger quantites we have run into a few snags as we change how things are printed. We are in the process, though of getting it figured out so hopefully in the coming weeks we will have quite a few new things to be adding to our shop. It is just taking a little longer than we anticipated.

For today, though we do have a new Reagan Pillow Cover now in stock!

Have a great Thursday! I will be back tomorrow with another fun Mother's Day inspired giveaway!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ops I didnt mean to delete that:/ As I was saying...This is so pretty. You have such a talent!! This is definintly a blog im going to follow!! ^-^ -Kelsey

  3. My sweet little 7 year old niece, REAGAN, would love that pillow! She is all girlie.

  4. Thank you for all your hard work and time. I adore everything I have purchased from Dear Lillie and can't wait for the new products to be launched. Oh the anticipation!!
    Happy Day! Hugs

  5. It is beautiful! Love the new color. Can't wait to see what is next!

    Angie :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi there.
    I wanted to thank you for sharing your talent with us. You inspire me! I wanted to let you know I nominated you for the versatile blogger award. Check out my blog for the details.

  8. Amazing color combination and the pillows look great!!!

  9. All of your designs are inspiring and vintage yet modern!I love the pink classic car and Williamsburgh would be a great place to visit!
