Saturday, May 19, 2012

A Sneak Peek of a HUGE Makeover and Evy's Tree

I just wanted to give you all a little sneak peek at a makeover that my sister-in-law, Meredith, and her husband, Matt, did, that I will be doing a full post on with tons and tons of pictures either Monday or Tuesday. Hopefully Monday, as long as I can get all of the editing done.

This is what their kitchen looked like when they moved in:

 And if you look at the reflection in this hall mirror you can get a little taste of what the after is going to look like. It's absolutely amazing! They did an unbelievable job with it.

 And here's a tiny peek of the island! I can't wait to show you all the whole thing!

I also wanted to introduce you all to our newest sponsor, Evy's Tree

I have been friends with Amy since right before I started blogging! She makes the most fabulous hoodies and other fun items as well! I have a Grey Simple (shown below),  Lillie owns a few and now Lola has a few too (one of her own and the rest passed on down as Lillie has outgrown a couple of hers). Head on over and check out her beautiful shop and blog!

Have a beautiful Saturday!


  1. Can't wait to see the whole reveal! I think this kitchen is uglier than mine- we are starting our huge renovation in a few weeks!!! On a side note- of course I love your blog and I love seeing the pics of your darling girls. Could just eat them up they are so sweet!! :)

  2. The kitchen look like a fabulous redo, can't wait to see. Hugs, Marty

  3. I cant wait to see the whole thing.. I do believe ya from the peekie shot. its gonna be AMAZING..

  4. What a tease! I can't wait to see all of the pictures. I am loving what I see so far! I'm going to check out those hoodies. I love anything with ruffles!

  5. I cannot wait for the full post. I think I'll just sit here at the computer refreshing until it's up. :)

  6. Oh my!!! I can't wait to see that!!!! Have a great weekend!

  7. Oh that kitchen is going to be AMAZING!!!

    I can't wait to see it!

    I love Amy's shop name, as it is the nickname of my daughter! her name is Evelyn and we call her Eve - but not like Adam and Eve, it is pronouced EVY or Evie or Evee...........

    Those hoodies are amazing.

    I want grandbabies now so I can dress them in such darling things!

    I told my Eve I was ready any day now to be a G'ma, haha. She told me to quit scheduling her uterus. We laughed till tears ran down our cheeks. Haha. She can be so danged funny, and she was right, so I am shuttin up about it, probably a very good idea.

    Have a wonderful rest of your weekend!

  8. Oh you big tease!! I want to see the makeover badly!!

  9. Holy cow that's going to be one insane transformation!

  10. Love the suspense..I can't wait to see what their kitchen looks like..

  11. What color grey did they use in their kitchen?

    1. It's Chelsea Gray. You can find all of the info in this post:
