Monday, June 11, 2012

A New Sign

After having been sick for a couple of weeks Lola and I are finally feeling so much better! However, thanks to that I am quite behind on blog posts. Don't worry, though, we've been quite busy here the last few days and hopefully will be catching up and back on track soon. I had a post planned for today but wasn't able to get the photos I needed yesterday. Hopefully I can get them today, though and have that post up tomorrow and then I promise I will have the lemonade stand tutorial this week too! And I am also working on another photo editing tutorial that if I can get done I will have this week and if not then at the beginning of next week. I did want to pop in real quickly though to let you know we have a new item in our shop today:


I hope you all have a fabulous Monday! 
Oh and there's one more day to enter our Pin It to Win It Giveaway
We will announce the winner tomorrow!


  1. The sign is fabulous - and we definately WERE est in 1776! It hits home on that sign to me for some reason.

    As for the next itty bitty blogger- look at that pro Lil at the computer with phone - a natural like her Momma! What a CUTIE!!

    Glad you are feeling better. It is awful being sick - esp when it takes too long to recovery!

    Have a fabulous week!

  2. I can sympathize, we all but Jack were sick for 6 days straight, glad you are all better.I love the Puppet Theatre, so cute! I love the drapes, one of my fav fabrics,timeless,I have it on pillows. You inspired me a month or so ago to make a gallery wall, when I post I will link back to you:). Have a great day!

  3. Happy you are all on the mend. Love the sign. xo

  4. great new sign, and that puppet theater is darling by the way

    glad to hear you are doing better now - sorry to hear you were ill

    have a great day!
    Anne Marie

  5. Way to hold down the fort Lillie! Cutest worker ever!!!
    Happy to hear you and Lola are feeling better.
    Wishing you a beautiful week. Enjoy

  6. LOVE your blog! So happy I came across it today :)

  7. Love the sign, I have pinned it for sure! I am bit of a pintrest addict, hehe
