Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A Few Shots of Baby Everly

As a mentioned a little while back, even though the girls and I raced up to NH as soon as we heard Jamie was in labor, except for a handful of shots that first afternoon in the hospital, I only ended up getting to take some photos of little baby Everly one afternoon when she was a week old. We had planned on taking pictures that whole first week and even had a couple of cute props ready, but thanks to the plague that befell poor Lola all those plans went out the window and we settled for some simple shots. Here are a few of the ones I've edited so far. I've got a couple more I'm working on with her in an adorable little knit bonnet that I'll share once I edit those. Oh how I miss her cute little cheeks and can't wait to get to properly hold and snuggle her next time we visit and I don't have to worry about all the germs I might be passing to her from my offspring. =)




I, of course, love Jamie dearly, but I kind of hate her too - you can't tell in the photo above, but she was wearing her regular jeans the day I took these - and Evie was just a week old! Ugh!


  1. Oh she is just so precious! Beautiful shots Jennifer!

  2. Beyond precious both the shots and baby! Thanks for sharing.


  3. With most newborns it is almost impossible to tell if the baby is a girl or a boy, not with this little princess. She is just so sweet and has all the features of a beautiful baby girl.
    Congratulation to your family.

  4. Oh my merciful heavens, those are the MOST BEAUTIFUL photos of a baby I have EVER seen. And she is so totally gorgeous! You could make a million dollars photographing babies and children... in fact add to that chocolate, you're pretty darn amazing taking photos of chocolate and cookies and cakes too!
    Really, those are unbelievable shots of the baby...


  5. She is so adorable! And I can see she looks like her daddy.

  6. She's beautiful and that headband is so cute!

  7. Omigosh. Thanks for giving me straight baby fever!! UGHH!! What a gorgeous baby. Great photos! xoxo

  8. What a gorgeous baby girl--and the photos are just exquisite...

  9. Gorgeous photos!! Ps my daughter is 13 months and I'm still not in my pre-pregnancy jeans. Lol

  10. Oh my, she's so adorable! I miss having a little baby to hold :)

  11. What a beautiful child, a beautiful little family.

    (And wow about regular jeans! All these later and I STILL DON'T! haha)

  12. I love her name! Congratulations to Jamie and Josh on their wonderful new addition to the family! (Nursery tour soon, yes?!) : )

  13. Oh my goodness, Jenn, she is beautiful! Great photos! Boy those genes your family have are some kind of gorgeous!

  14. Breathtaking! What a beautiful baby girl. I love these photos.


  15. Oh she is just beautiful. What a little angel. The photos are amazing Jennifer.

  16. Precious baby, precious pictures. And I love the "family" picture!love- Aunt Jan

  17. Such beautiful photographs! Gorgeous little girl...xv

  18. What a gorgeous baby girl she is!!! Wonderful pictures. I hate her Mom too:):):) Just kidding:):) XO, Pinky

  19. She is very beautiful and so very precious!

  20. Beautiful pictures. I love how snuggly she looks! You are a wonderful photographer.

  21. Usually I lie to people and say they have a pretty newborn, but honestly, this little girl is the most amazing, beautiful baby I have ever seen! I love her sweet little lips! You are so talented with your photography!!

  22. These photos are stunning! Beautiful little girl and family!

  23. That is one crazy beautiful baby! Congrats to all!

  24. The photos are beautiful as is baby Everly! When I had my daughter, my roommate left the hospital {2 days later} wearing her regular jeans. Ugh is right! :)

  25. She's so captured her newborn shots so sweetly!!!
