Sunday, July 14, 2013


I hope you all are having a lovely weekend. We are out of town right now. I had planned on finishing up a few projects before the girls and I made our annual summer trip to New Hampshire. However, due to a dear family friend heading home to be with Jesus quite unexpectedly, we ended up leaving Thursday and making the trek up here earlier than planned. Because we left in a bit of a rush I didn't finish painting the room I had started or taking the photographs of our family room that is almost compete. This week I will share what I had taken so far with my "real camera" of our new house once we got unpacked but I won't have any true "reveal" type photos until we return. Once I share the photos I do have so far though, I am hoping I will get to work on a few projects either at my parent's or at Jason's.

I hope you all have a blessed Sunday! I'll be back tomorrow (Monday)  with photos of our new back porch.


  1. I am so sorry about the passing of your family friend, safe travels! <3

  2. I am so truly sorry you lost a loved one - it's never easy no matter who they are, if you loved and cared about them.

    Prayers to that family and to you and yours, Jenn.

    Enjoy NH and all it has to offer.

    Enjoying all the excitement with your new home!

    Come relax in my garden room with me today.


  3. Oh Jennifer. I am so sorry for your loss. Life does have a way of keeping us on our toes and throwing curve balls.
    My deepest sympathies.
    Hugs, Gee

  4. Jennifer, sending you my sympathies and hugs on the loss of your dear friend. Be safe on your travels.

  5. We have a hot week ahead in NH for you! And no rain! Enjoy!

  6. Sorry to hear of your loss. I am looking forward to your pictures this week.

  7. I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your friend...I hope you can enjoy your time in New Hampshire with your beautiful girls regardless...xv

  8. Sorry to hear of your loss. We will keep you in our prayers.

  9. Amazing hydrangea photo! I love the way you said your friend had headed home to meet Jesus. What a beautiful image that brings to mind...


  10. It's amazing how much of a difference the flowers make. This is an awesome pace.
