Monday, October 21, 2013

Entryway Progress (and a Design Decision I Regret)

Although our powder room just got finished up (well, not completely finished but the big projects) last week our entryway has looked like this for a few weeks now. I put off photographing it because I was hoping to switch out the light fixture and thermostat before I photographed it. However, even though I am pretty sure I've picked a light fixture I am holding off on purchasing it for a bit seeing how we have a couple of things to purchase for the upstairs bedrooms and this is functional and fine for now. So, seeing how it might be another couple of months before we replace it I figured at this point I'd just go ahead and share how it's coming along. I'm not as excited about this space as the powder room because I am not thrilled with my runner choice but I'll explain that further down in the post.

Here are some shots that show what it looked like about a month and a half ago and what it looked like when I took these pictures a couple days ago:

The first thing we did in here was have the wallpaper removed. It went all the way up the stairs and throughout the upstairs hall too. Once that was down I started the process of painting all the trimwork, doors, spindles, and risers on the stairs. Then I began painting several coats of Simply White - it took FOREVER! (In fact I am still working on the upstairs part). After that was done I painted the walls in a color called Moonshine. I was torn between a couple of colors and then went over to Joan's paint color page and remembered how much I loved how Moonshine looked in her home and decided to go with it and I am so glad I did. I LOVE it! In fact I am considering using it in our Master Bedroom although it depends on what I end up doing with our bed so we shall see. After that I painted the doors in Mopboard Black (same as the dining room doors and I will be using that same color on the doors upstairs as well). I chose another color for the front of the door and will show that at some point. I haven't painted the ceiling yet because I am dreading doing it and seeing how I still have a ton of painting left upstairs I am not going to worry about it for now, but eventually I will be painting it to match the other ceilings which are more of a basic white. For some reason this one is different.

Then after all the painting was done (well, technically it isn't quite done seeing how I still need to do some touch up work) we had the wallpaper beadboard installed (you can see a closeup of it in our dining room). Then I started working on the runner. I ripped up the old one and pieced together three runners that I got during one of the big sales at RugsUSA. I have to say I am not so happy with this choice of mine. There's nothing wrong with the runners. They are great and I have been really impressed with the quality especially based on their price, I just think I made a poor choice on pattern. I had originally been considering going with a sisal runner but thought this would be more comfortable for the girls in their bare feet and wanted a darker color because of the traffic it gets. I thought a plain gray runner would be boring so went with this but so far I would say it's the decision I regret most in the new house. I like the runner's design when it is flat but not so much going up the stair and don't really love how the colors go in here. I really wish I had gone another route but that's okay. Fortunately I don't get too hung up on these things. The girls think it's really comfortable and it is, and I certainly like the way it looks now much better than before and hopefully we will live here a long long time and if so maybe when the girls are older I can switch it out. But just a little tip to anyone else out there that might be looking for runners for your stairs - make sure to think about how the pattern is going to fall on your stairs and the fact that it probably isn't going to look the same on each step. Lucky me got to learn this the hard way - haha!

As far as how I installed it I just used the strips that were there from the runner before and added a few nails in some discreet spots. I still need to go back with the staple gun and properly pull it tight under each tread (I like the way that looks better than how it's more of a waterfall look now) but I need to rent an air compressor to do that so haven't gotten to it yet. And it's stayed pretty nicely in place how it is, so with so many other projects to work on I am not in a big hurry to do that but I definitely do plan on doing it eventually. 

While I was taking these Lola went up and down the stairs about five times. I shot around her for most of the time but she got in a few shots. =)

Wall Color - Moonshine in Matte Finish
Trim Color - Simply White in Semi-gloss Finish
Door Color - Mopboard Black in Semi-gloss Finish
Beadboard Wallpaper - Allen and Roth from Lowe's
Clock - Savvy in Williamsburg, VA (a couple of years ago)
Runner - RugsUSA - can't remember what pattern it was but when I get a chance will try to look it up and add it in later)
Painting - Savvy in Williamsburg about six years ago

Even though it was really hard to photograph because there is no natural light I am excited about the difference in our powder room and can't wait to show you that next!

Have a wonderful week!


  1. the runner was the first thing that caught my eye on this post and was a little surprised you aren't happy with it....i really think it looks great! i know it's got more pattern than you're used to but i think you made a good choice. i agree that the sisal runner would look good but probably not be so soft underfoot. maybe you could use the little brass rod things that you see sometimes going across the rug/treads that hold it in place...wonder how that would look (or silver?) your home is really coming along nicely....thanks for sharing it with us!

    1. Thanks so much, Judy! And believe it or not there were brass rods holding the original runner in place (I had already removed them when I remembered to take "before" shots). They didn't really go though with the style of the new rug and looked better with the more traditional oriental runner so I left them off.

  2. I think the runner, and all the paint choices look great! I agree that sisal would have been lovely, but with little ones, I think you made the right choice!


  3. Hi! I just started following your blog and am finding lots of inspiration from your posts! Beautiful home and beautiful girls (I have 2 girls the same ages). :) Love the entry and the runner is really fresh and pretty! I have to ask if you ever considered painting treads/railing black? I think that would really compliment the black doors!

    1. Thank you! I am not planning on painted the treads black but yes, I am considering painting the railing. I have considered both painting it black and white and am not sure and seeing how once I paint it it will be nearly impossible to go back I want to make sure of it before I do and right now I am definitely not sure.

    2. My daughter's foyer is very similar to yours, and they are painting their railing black. It makes it look updated. But I love everything you have done in your house, I love it all!!!

  4. Jennifer... that runner just pops! It has such a beautiful flow to it and personally while I love sisal, I don't think it would look as elegant as the runner you chose.

  5. I'm just amazed with how much you have gotten done! Keeps me motivated to keep checking things off the list seeing as how we've been in our house for 3.5 years. As for the runner, I think you are better off not nailing it in. This way if you change your mind and find that you just don't like it, you won't have a ton of nail holes to contend with in both the runners and stairs.

    Can't wait for the powder room reveal!

  6. I love your paint choices. I like the runner you chose, but with the stairs being high traffic area, I think I would of chosen something darker in color that wouldn't show all the high traffic. But as you said, live and learn.

    1. Thanks, Cheryl! It's always so funny to see how everyone has such different opinions. What color would you have chosen? I don't think I would want to go any darker. I actually would prefer something lighter but went with this to help hide any stains caused from all the traffic. I just am not a fan of how the pattern falls on the stairs and don't think the gray of the rug goes great with the rest of the space but oh well, it's not the end of the world. I definitely would choose something different though if I could choose again!.

    2. You know, in your home, for your space that gray actually works. It's your signature color. : ) I agree with you though, maybe a different pattern on the carpet and you are right, it's not the end of the world. Big ticket items like rugs and furniture get me stumped. I want to pick the right thing because I don't want to be unhappy when the room is all done. In the long run, it's just stuff, right? I love what you do with "stuff." It's magical how you put it all together.

  7. I love everything you did! Looks amazing. Can you give some tips on painting? I am especially interested in how you painted your spindles - did you remove them to paint or do it in place? Any advice? I want to give my stairs a makeover, too. Thanks!!


    1. Thank you, Elizabeth! For the first spindle I started to remove it and then changed my mind and decided just to paint them in place. For the spindles that you see in today's post I just primed and painted them with a regular brush and taped off the bottom part where it met the tread. However, upstairs (not in this post) I didn't even bother taping off the bottom part.

  8. Just discovered your blog and I love it! the "Simply White" by Benjamin Moore? I JUST learned of that color over at "Keeping It Cozy" and have to agree with Andrea that it is a beautiful white. (I got tons of white swatches and that was truly the warmest white w/o having any blue or being too creamy/yellowish. I agree with the others...I'm loving the stair runner, but I love your attitude even more! Sometimes I tend to over-think these types of things! Lovely progress!

  9. I think the runner looks fantastic! The color and pattern look great on your's a fun unexpected touch!

  10. The transformation is really amazing, Jennifer. I think over time the pattern on the runner will jump out at you less, it's really pretty and looks nice and soft (vs. my hard seagrass runner!) I cannot believe how much you have accomplished since moving in - you are on a roll!

    1. Thank you, Lisa! And you are right about it being soft which is nice for little feet.

  11. We are just about to get started on our stairway project, which will include a runner. I LOVE yours! I know sometimes it's hard to tell from a picture, but I think yours looks perfect. I also love that painting, and everything else! Beautiful

  12. That looks fantastic, I love the new door color and the stair runner is perfect ~ Lisa

  13. It's all beautiful. Your clock looks like the hall was built especially for it :). Your progress motivates me to keep working on my house.

  14. Your home is beautiful. You have a talent. Wondering how you find time to get all of these projects done with two little girls. I have three and can't seem to get anything done! Do you have help? Also are we going to get to see pictures of the outside of your home? The inside is beautiful would love to see the outside.

    1. I do about 99% of the actual work when the girls are in bed. I work every night, 7 days a week from about 9pm - to at least 2am but often 3 and 4 am. I do things like take photos during the day while they are playing and do other projects that either they are able to help with (like recovering the bench or sewing something simple) or that they have no interest in (changing out flowers and styling vignettes) but that's just about all I do during the day. Once they are in bed I do my Dear Lillie computer work several nights a week and the other nights do things like painting the trim and things like that). My husband and I have been a little torn on whether or not we were going to show the exterior of our home for privacy reasons but are leaning towards it seeing how we have done some projects out there. I'm not 100% sure yet though.

    2. I would LOVE to see the outside of your home! I can't get enough of your decorating posts! But, with a blog as popular as yours, I would keep the exterior private.

  15. I have been following your blog for awhile now and I got to say you have never ceased to amaze me! You did a beautiful job with the entryway! Amazing how color can change a room!! I have a question or more so just's a little off topic :) I noticed in one of the pictures that you took your old chandelier with you when you moved. I was just curious why you didn't use that one in your dinning room since it looked so wonderful in your old home? Like I said...just curious :) Blessings!

    1. Thanks! Our old chandelier is not wired - it uses candles so is purely decorative. We purchased it for our last house because we couldn't put a regular chandelier there seeing how there wasn't any wiring for it in the ceiling (there was recessed lighting around the perimeter of the room but nothing in the center). In our new home the only lighting in the dining room is from the chandelier so it needed to be a real one (not a candle one) so we couldn't use our old one. I am planning on eventually using our old one on the porch. It's hanging out there now but just kind of off to the side. =)

  16. Hi,

    Try putting a rod across at the back of the steps to give a more structured look. Just grab three pieces of straight strip wood 1" x 1" try them out sprayed dark brass and the same finish as the painting hanging on the side wall. If it looks good then think of going the route of carpet rods, they are "old fashioned" but here London they are still used quite a lot in the lovely Victorian Houses. I would love to see the same chandelier in the passage way as the dining room, a mirror effect.

    Lisa, London

    1. There actually were brass rods holding the original runner in place (I had already removed them when I remembered to take "before" shots). They didn't really go though with the style of the new rug and looked better with the more traditional oriental runner so I left them off.

      Unfortunately there is no way the chandelier from the dining room would ever fit in the entryway. It's HUGE and we need something quite small in the entryway. =(

    2. What about painting your hall light fixture black, it would change the effect, and only cost a can of paint.

  17. I love how you added the white accents to the staircase. It brightens it up yet does not take away from the antiquity of the home. I also love the stair runner. And if you got a great price, that would make me love it even more! It is neutral enough that you can add pops of color for each season and holiday and not have it be too distracting!

  18. I have to agree with you and not the other comments (sorry). While I don't hate the runner, I don't love it either. It's just not "you". Maybe a little too busy? I'd post it on Craigslist and see if you get any buyers. This is coming from a girl who just bought a couch less than two months ago and is now trying to resell it though. I drive my husband crazy. :)

  19. Beautiful, Jenni. All looks great. I really like that you left some of the stained wood, so there is a connection to your hardwood floor. I wish I had some of your "evening" energy!

  20. I think something as simple as adding a runner down the hallway in a solid color such as the grey or the beige in the stair runner would detract from the design of the runner on the stairs. I think this would make the stair runner more subtle and train the eye to go in that direction and not up the stairs. I do love the entry, just needs something. Love your blog.

  21. So pretty Jenni. Have you thought about painting the whole staircase white? Perhaps between the stained treads and railings,and the white spindles there is to much contrast between them, and the pattern of the runner ( to many places for the eye to wonder therefore making the runner seem to busy for such a little space) Just a thought :)

    1. Thank you! I am not planning on painted the treads but yes, I am considering painting the railing. I have considered both painting it black and white and am not sure and seeing how once I paint it it will be nearly impossible to go back I want to make sure of it before I do and right now I am definitely not sure.

  22. This may be obvious, but my favorite transformation is the stairs. I love the white and the runner to go along with it. Really brightens up entryway.

  23. We all have those "what was I thinking" moments, but for what it's worth, I think it looks great! The transformation of before and after pics is amazing, I love seeing beautiful transformations!! You've done a beautiful job <3


  24. Jenni, I love the entrance, especially the runner! The waterfall effect is a special touch!

    Can't wait to see the powder room😊

  25. I love the runner and I think the brass light is distracting and needs to be painted.

    1. I mentioned in the post in the first paragraph that I we are replacing the light. I even have something picked out. We are on a budget, though, and I am waiting a little bit seeing how we have some bigger purchases we need to make first. Once we have made those (beds and other furniture pieces) I will definitely be replacing the light. I really want to splurge a little on the beds so I am holding back on purchases like the light so I might be able to get the beds I am in love with.

    2. What I should have said is that if you paint the brass light it would change the feel of the room and you may end up changing your mind about the runner. I love the white spindles.

  26. It all looks wonderful! I think the problem with the runner is that the pattern is too big. But I'd love it in another place.

  27. Jenni, I can not believe you have gotten so much done! I'm slacking! It all looks wonderful. -Tamara

    1. Thanks, Tamara! And you did a whole house! (Which I am dying to see pictures of!!!)

  28. Beautiful work!! I'm impressed with what a difference paint can make. For a couple years I've been tempted to paint all our (builder grade honey oak) trim white and add crown molding in our living room. It just seems like such a daunting task and I'm not sure I want to do all that sanding, etc. Did you simply sand and paint or did you sand, prime and paint? And then do I paint all our doors white or buy new ones? Also, is your painted trim holding up to wear? I'm afraid I'll be touching up trim all the time. Thanks so much for sharing your home!

    1. I skipped the sanding part and just primed and then painted. There are a few spots where I wish I had sanded but all in all it has worked out well so far. So far the trim is holding up well but it hasn't even been quite four months so it's probably a little to early to make that claim too boldly. =) I am not sure what your doors look like so I can't really say but I know I am really happy with how our painted doors look. Have a blessed week!

    2. Our doors are your basic hollow core door (no panels) also in honey oak. :-( I'd love to buy white paneled doors but you know how those budgets can be. Love looking at your place, it gives such inspiration and courage to go for it!!

  29. I get what you are saying on the runner. since the pattern changes so much it makes the steps look funny as your eye looks up. At least it can be changed and overall it isn't that bad. I say leave it for now and let it grow on you.

  30. I think it all looks wonderful Jennifer and I do not mind the runner choice at all. I am surprised with all the projects you do that you do not own an air compressor! Go out and get one girl! We bought one for just $75 a few years back when it was on special for Thanksgiving and it came with a nail gun and staple gun. Best purchase ever.

  31. I LOVE your blog and always enjoy reading it and getting inspired. Your house is amazing. I am so impressed with how much you get done with those 2 darling girls. I just read your secret - you do it at night when they are in bed. So when do YOU sleep? Makes me feel like a slacker! I have been in my house for 3 years. We did a major renovation (with a contractor) - kitchen, fam rm and powder room, but still need to finish details like painting lots of trim and ceilings throughout the rest of the house. So for now we live with cream trim in most of the house and white in the newer part. I just can't get motivated/find the time (I enjoy sleeping a little too much!) to finish it. I gasped with delight seeing your runner! I love it, but I see what you are saying. However, only YOU notice it...others will never even notice!!! Thanks for sharing your talents with the rest of us!! - Debbie

    1. Thank you, Debbie! Honestly, I don't sleep a whole lot. It's not something I would recommend though - haha! And I am pretty sure just about every member of my family would tell you it's not healthy.

      And I know what you mean about those finishing details. Those are the ones I always put off too. It's almost easier doing the big projects than the little ones as crazy as that sounds.

  32. I have to say that while it all looks just beautiful, I was quite smitten with the runner that was there originally! Was it too worn down or just not your style?

    1. Thanks Karen. And a mix of both. But we saved it and my mother-in-law is going to try to bring it back to life in her house. It will go perfectly with her decor!

  33. I think the runner is beautiful! But I understand how you may be a bit disappointed how the pattern would look so different - but I honestly still think it's beautiful and you made a wonderful choice!

    Brandi @ Nest of Bliss

  34. I like the runner. I especially like how the pattern tends to look like it gets smaller as you go up the stairs. It adds some interest.

  35. LOVE THE runner ... It is stunning .. House looks fabulous

  36. Maybe you can put the runner flat in the hallway beneath the stairs and use a solid color runner on the stairs? I love it, but I think you're right about the pattern looking better flat.

    1. I had to buy three runners to go up the stairs so wouldn't be able to use them on all the hallway (plus two of them are trimmed to fit so can't really be used again) and would have to buy three more for the staircase and I am pretty sure my husband would not be such a big fan of that idea, so I just need to leave it as is for a while. =)

  37. I love the runner and think your staircase looks great!!! You do a beautiful job with all your decorating!! I do have a question, did you use a rug pad?
    Thanks!! Joyia

    1. Thank you, Joyia. There was one on each step leftover from the runner that was there previously and it was attached pretty well so I just left it there and used that.

  38. I have read and enjoyed your blog for quite awhile, first time I have commented though. Your progress through your home has been amazing. I love to see what you're gonna do next, and your girls are so beautiful! I have to say I love everything about the entry. The paint job, and the runner is amazing. I was wondering what you were planning on doing with the lighting? You'd have so many great options. Thanks for inspiring! Please come to Iowa and redo my home too. :)

    1. Thank you so much, Sara! Thanks! I am pretty sure I am going to go with this light: Although by the time I am ready to purchase it I may have changed my mind. I have seen a few other things I've liked as well. We are on a budget, though, and I am waiting a little bit seeing how we have some bigger purchases we need to make first. Once we have made those (beds and other furniture pieces) I will be most definitely replacing the light. I really want to splurge a little on the beds so I am holding back on purchases like the light so I might be able to get the beds I am in love with.

  39. It looks fine but I know what you mean. A house I worked on in the past had a runner, and each step and riser had a section cut and placed so it all matched. So wasteful but perfectly matched. I guess you could always do some cutting and placing and .....forget it!! The house is coming along nicely!

  40. Jennifer,
    I am glad someone mentioned the brass light in the foyer being distracting. I think the runner is beautiful ( it has a similar patter to your powder room wallpaper) but I think the brass light clashes with the with the grey runner. .

    1. Thanks! I mentioned in the post in the first paragraph that I we are replacing the light. I even have something picked out. We are on a budget, though, and I am waiting a little bit seeing how we have some bigger purchases we need to make first. Once we have made those (beds and other furniture pieces) I will be most definitely replacing the light. I really want to splurge a little on the beds so I am holding back on purchases like the light so I might be able to get the beds I am in love with.

  41. Everything looks beautiful and bright. I like the runner and color and I know it will be soft for the girls. Can't wait to see your choice for the light fixture later and the beds you are talking about. I am so glad you brought your other dining light from your other house because I loved it. I am completely crazy for your new dining room fixture. I would love one like it. I always love your choices. You are so talented and work so hard. Get some rest!

  42. I LOVE that clock and it goes so well in that space!
    And I think the runner is fine - you can always change it out in a few years - at least it's that and not hardwood or something more permanent!!!

  43. I actually like the way the runner pattern falls on your steps. It does change but it kind of leads your eye up the stairs and adds a cool interest to them! Great job on the reno progress!

  44. I think the white paint makes it looks so clean! Very much enjoying the dark colored door as well.

  45. It has always amazed me how much trim can improve a room. So much cleaner. And you could have the nicest paint job in the world but it might still look bad without nice trim.

  46. Looks fantastic. The only thing left is the entryway light fixture. But that's me nitpicking. It still looks good with it there.

  47. I like the way the carpet looks and the moonshine color is great. May have to use it myself one of these days.

  48. Gorgeous entry! Random question, where did you find the tulle for Lillie's Pocahontas costume?? I have been searching everywhere for that color and can't seem to find it!!

    Thank you so much!

    1. Thanks, Amanda. My mom bought it and made it and it was a few years ago so I am not sure where. Maybe Michael's? Or she may have ordered it.

  49. I know I'm a little late chiming in, but saw someone's comment wondering if you were considering painting railing Mopboard Black....and your comments of uncertainty. Have you ever considering taking a few really good shots of your area and photo shopping the color in place? I've done this with walls to give me an has been a huge help in decision making.

  50. Hi Jennifer! I see your predicament. Don't feel bad...we've all been there! You have such a wonderful eye for design that I am sure you will make it work out. My suggestion would be to add a stencil or upholstery tacks in a design in the center of the design going down, where it is visible to the eye and not on the feet. Just an idea. It's been a real joy seeing how you've made this dark home into a light, bright and cheerful place! Good luck on the rest of your home decorating and keep us informed! You are VERY TALENTED! Blessings! Ana

  51. Hi!

    I agree with your thoughts on the runner. Gorgeous in theory... but something about it is a little off. But I was thinking about a similar pattern for my new bedding and I was wondering if you knew of any name for that particular pattern? Maybe having the correct term for it will help me in my search. Thanks so much!!

    1. I am not sure what this particular pattern is called but I know that most items that have a similar look to this are either called a trellis pattern or a quatrefoil pattern.

  52. Hi, does the Moonshine appear blue or gray on the walls? I am torn between Moonshine and Horizon and need something leaning toward the gray side for a bedroom.

  53. Hi, your redos are beautiful. Thanks for sharing with us. Does the Moonshine appear gray or blue when applied? I am torn between Moonshine and Horizon for a bedroom, but I need it to lean more toward gray. Thanks for your input

    1. Thanks, Nancy! It definitely has a blueish green undertone to it. It really depends on how the light hits it though. I think it looks a little more gray in the hall and a little more like a muted sea glass color in our bedroom. I'd recommend getting a sample size and trying it on your walls. Revere Pewter is one of my favorite colors. My parents, brother, and sister have all used it and it looks different in each of their homes!

  54. I am an int. designer and love all the choices you have made..... runner, paint color, gallery wall , and the black and white quote board in the entry Hall. great Job!

    I also agree the sisal would look ok but the graphic design and colors of the runner really tie every one of your choices together. Again, i love it!
