Monday, December 9, 2013

A New Christmas Pillow and Christmas Cards

It's been a bit of a hectic day today so I am just popping in to let you know we have the last of our new Christmas items finally in stock. First we have this 12 by 16 "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" pillow cover.


And we also have chalkboard style Christmas Card sets both in our "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" design: 

 I'll be back tomorrow! Have a fabulous week!


  1. Nice post of Christmas looking great thanks for sharing like that post.

  2. Like the new sign and card. Your home is looking very much like Christmas. have a great hoilday.

  3. My husband helped me download your file and have Staples print the "and His name shall be called" 24 x 36 chalkboard print.( I am such a computer idiot) I had made your frame in the summer. I hung it in our front hall over an old wash stand. I had also made your yarn wrapped styro trees last year. So there is a small forest of them, an old black kitchen scale and wooden shutter in the mix too, all surrounded by cedar greens. I am beyond excited how pretty it looks. Thanks for the inspiration and tutorials to make these amazing things. If I could remember how, I would email a picture to you. ( My method would be to print it and send it by snail mail. Ha ha.) Judy, Lancaster, PA

  4. Looking forward to seeing the guest room reveal. I love how how Hohenlohe can move things around in hour house and it looks fresh and new.

  5. I really enjoy the simplicity of the messages on the cards and pillow. Just a simple phrase to remind you about the season. Thanks for sharing
