Sunday, March 13, 2016

2016 NCAA Big Dance FREE DOWNLOADABLE Oversized Chalkboard Bracket

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! We've gotten so many e-mails over the last couple of months asking if we were going to do offer the free download for the 2016 tournament like we did for 2015 and 2014. And yes, here it is! We will also be offering it with a white background again as well, if you don't want to do the chalkboard option. To download the chalkboard version just click here.  And at the bottom of that page there's a link to the white background version.  If you want instructions on how we recommend printing the chalkboard version in the 24" by 36" size you can read this tutorial here and it also tells you how to build a basic frame for it if you'd like to do that as well too.

Our coffee/hot cocoa station is one of my favorite setups in our house that we use every single day. We've got a mix of items on here including some fun flavored syrups and baskets from HomeGoods.

I hope you all have a fabulous week! And I promise I'll be back tomorrow with the full post of Allison's kitchen!


  1. Thanks so much! Downloading and printing this for my husband tonight! He's going to be thrilled! Can you please tell me the best way to write on the chalk board version when we fill it in ourselves? I'm in Canada so somewhere easy to find a white pen or something I can pick up quickly? Thanks so much!!!! Your blog always takes priority in my inbox. I look forward to yours the most. Keep inspiring us pls! Ashley

    1. Hi, Ashley! Jenni usually uses a chalk pencil, but says a chalk pen or even a white paint pen will work well too.


    2. Thanks Jason! It was a HUGE hit! Our whole family had fun filling it out and following along. Thanks again it will be a new family tradition thanks to you.

  2. The chalkboard print won't download for me correctly. Any suggestions? Thanks- I'm a huge dear lillie fan!

    1. Sorry, Christi! If you try using a different browser that usually will solve the problem.

  3. Will you offer one for this year, 2017, as well?

    1. We will! It should be available in about 10 minutes!
