Friday, October 15, 2010

Quick Update

Hello everyone. I know we were supposed to announce the winner today of the tutu but it has been an insanely crazy day here. We just got home from William and Mary's Midnight Madness and I am running around printing off the last of the shipping labels for packages that need to be sent out in the morning and packing like crazy. We have to be up at 4:30 tomorrow to head to the airport. Tomorrow evening, once I am settled in up in NH, I will draw a winner and post it. So sorry for the delay. I hope you all have a most wonderful weekend!


  1. ~**~ Cant wait to find out!! ;) Hugs,Rachel ~*~*

  2. Remember to take care of yourself!!!!!! Hugs Jenn

  3. Remember to take care of yourself! You're having a baby! =]

    Just Better Together

  4. Thinking of you and sending hugs!! Hope you can get some rest before your flight.

  5. This post made me laugh. I have so been there! ha. Hope you had a safe trip. xoxo

  6. Wow, have you been able to take a breath? Wishing you well on your travels, be safe.
    Your sounding more & more like Superwoman, lol.
