Thursday, September 22, 2011

Five Months

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Well, our little Lola Wren is five months old today! I can't believe how time flies. I feel like we just found out we were pregnant. She is such a sweet little thing and I love her so much. She looks much bigger in photos but really she is so tiny and petite. I imagined she would just be a little mini Lillie but it is amazing how different they already are from their coloring and build to their personalities. As Lillie has already informed me though, they are best friends. I tried to take some photos of her yesterday but she is such a wiggle worm it was quite hard. I had to be in super close so I could have one hand on her so she wouldn't roll off the daybed out on the porch. I had planned on doing a photoshop tutorial on how to make the eyes pop but somehow when I went to load the step by step I was missing a few of them, and my sweet little Lola is going bananas right now so it will have to wait for another day.

She always gets this little wrinkled brow that is so cute.
The clip is from Joyfolie from when Lillie was little. I just clipped it onto some elastic lace that I glued together to make a headband because she doesn't have quite enough hair yet to keep the clip in.

Also we just listed our first batch of Christmas pillows for sale in our shop today:
And don't forget to scroll down to enter to win our "give thanks" pillow!
Have a wonderful Thursday!


  1. Oh my goodness, Lola is so adorable. I imagine you spend all day long hugging and kissing her sweet little face...when you're not making pillows and pretty things, that is :)

  2. Wow, 5 mos already?! Where have I been...Time flies! She's a doll. I hope you are enjoying every moment with her!

    xo Hana

  3. She is so extremely cute. Don't they grow so fast?! Her eyes are especially gorgeous.

  4. she's so precious! I am pregs with my 3rd, and while it came as a surprise, we're all excited (that is unless it's a boy. My 4 year old has informed me that the only boy allowed in our house is Daddy).

  5. She is adorable! She has the most Beautiful eyes!

  6. What a beautiful little her big eyes.


  7. Those eyes are amazing! I'm thinking you don't need to enhance them one tiny bit with photo shop!

  8. What a sweet little thing...she is so beautiful. She does have a resemblance to Jamie. Love her big gorgeous eyes too.

  9. She is just beautiful! I didn't realize her hair was that light! I know she is a joy and so glad that she already has a BFF!!

  10. precious, precious girl! I am so happy that I got to meet her!

  11. Love the pictures and the pillows. Beautiful..

  12. SUCH beautiful eyes! I went back to see her 3 month pictures (in the did you get those shots?..adorable too) and she has changed so much. You might not want to share but how is her health these days?

  13. Your daughter is beautiful! I'm not sure how I came across your blog, but I am loving it!! Looking forward toward your tutorial on making your babies eyes "pop" :)

  14. She is so incredibly beautiful. Hope she is well. Thinking of y'all and always praying for you.

  15. She is just beautiful and her eyes are stunning. I bet Lillie is the best big sister! Love the photos and your new pillow.

  16. Little Lola is so beautiful! Can't wait for your tutorial!

  17. OMG! Love the blog! Love your posts! Love your photography! Okay...I think you get it! Officially a follower! Be sure to visit my blog when you have a moment to read all about me and my passion! forward to "getting to know you" here in blog land!

  18. What a little blessing! She's adorable. :)

  19. love the eye brows and the little wrinkle! so precious!

  20. She is so beautiful and sweet. I think she and Lillie have the same mouth and eyes. They always look bigger in pictures. Just wait, she'll be running around with her big sister before you know it and modeling clothes.They grow up too fast.Donna

  21. She is the cutest thing with those adorable eyes. It is hard to get pictures of them when they won't stay still. I probably took 200 shots of Leila yesterday and most were a blur.

  22. Already?! I must say that y'all maks some pretty babies! Seriously, stunning! Would you mind telling me what type of lens you use? Your pics are always so crisp and clear and you even capture the details in the girls' eyes! Thank you for all the fabulous posts and inspiration!
    Scissors & Spatulas
    jen at scissorsandspatulas dot com

  23. Thanks everyone! Miss Kitty - She has good days where she shows huge signs of improvement and then she has awful days where it seems as though she hasn't made any improvement. She had finally gained some weight and was on the charts for a month or two but at her last two appointments had dropped back down and was hovering back on the "failure to thrive category" again. She sees her GI specialist again in two weeks so hopefully that appointment will go better than her last one. Oh, and I photoshopped my sister, Jamie's, hands out of the bucket pictures. =) She was holding Lola up.

  24. Your little Lola is precious! What lovely pictures! You are very very blesssed!

  25. Back again- Happy Friday. Back again for Fridays entry..

  26. Your Lola is just gorgeous! My grandson just turned 3 months on the 22nd. My how time flys.

  27. She's so beautiful! I have to take about a hundred pictures of Graham and Margaret to get a few good ones. What would we do without digital?


  28. That baby is beautiful! She has the most beautiful eyes.
