Friday, October 28, 2011

Some Winners

So, it is time to announce the winners for two of our giveaways! 

First, it's time for the winner of our


Congratulations to Patty!

Send us an e-mail at with your address and we will get the covers shipped on out to you!

Thank you all for entering!

And now for the winner of the Little Posh Bebe Giveaway:

Congratulations Barb!
Someone from Little Posh Bebe will be sending you an e-mail shortly with information on collecting your prize!

And here are a few pictures of my little girl who is officially six months. She' such a sweet little thing.

I hope to be back tomorrow with photos our dining room decorated for Halloween.

Well, I hope you all have a blessed weekend!


  1. Congrats to the winners! I can't believe Lola is 6 months! She is beautiful!

  2. Lola is just beautiful! You guys make beautiful babies. God Bless you.

  3. My dear, thanks for all lovely inspirations and giveaways you share with us! I confess I was dreaming about this smiles God bless and have a wonderful time! Kisses, Rachel :D

  4. Congratulations to Patty and Barb! Lola is absolutely adorable! Both of your girls are darling. Lola looks so pretty in that little dress and the flower in her hair. That color really brings out her gorgeous baby blues! Happy Friday to you.

  5. that babe is too cute for words!!!

  6. Oh, she's so sweet! You have a beautiful blog!
