Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My Little Strawberry Shortcakes

 I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween! It has been a hectic last few days here so this will be a quick post but I just wanted to share a few pictures of my little Strawberry Shortcakes!

My mom made their tutus, the  tights were from a random costume shop online and the hats were from Coconut Crochet.

And yes, this is similar to last year with the tutu, white thermal and braids. We just switched up the colors and headpieces a bit. Here Lillie was last year as a little Pocahontas:

We also wanted to let you know we just restocked our  

I hope you all had a Happy Halloween! I don't know about you guys but I am soooo excited that it is November 1st. This is my favorite time of year! Time to get to work on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Lillie's birthday. 


  1. Your little girls are so gorgeous. I love the costumes!

  2. Your girls costumes are just beautiful just like everything you touch! Hope your Halloween was a good one. Thanks for the pics!

  3. Oh wow- how sweet! I'm dying over that kissing picture and those little hats!

  4. Your little girls is so cute!!!
    And strawberry costumea are amazing!!

  5. Ok, that's like the cutest thing i've ever seen. Omg....


  6. Oh they are adorable!!!!!!!!! You are blessed:)

  7. Beautiful costumes! Lillie & Lola look SO adorable! Hope you had a great Halloween.

  8. Adorable girls in super cute outfits! My 30-year old daughter's favorite doll in the early 1980's was Strawberry Shortcake...I see she has had a come-back!

  9. very cute! I made blue tutus for my girls, and they were peacocks. I put a peacock feather headband, and peacock tail. Tutus are so perfect for so many costumes!

  10. Love the first picture of the girls!!!!

  11. So darling!! And your girls are both looking so much older, how time flies right?!

    Kat :)

  12. The cutest ever!!!! Although I only got two kids last night at the door, you would have loved it, one was a fairy and one was a bumblebee. They were about Lillies age and completely adorable!

  13. So cute! Do you recall from which site you purchased those tights? I want a pair!

  14. Thanks, everyone!

    Ruthie - I got them at costumes4less.com. They were really cheap, but it looks like they don't have many sizes in stock right now :(


  15. Jennifer, they are just too precious. I remember Lillie's costume from last year, too.

  16. Your girls are just too cute, Jennifer! I love the costumes :)

  17. LOved seeing these Jewnni! How cute the girls are in theit little matching tuts:)

  18. Oh my cuteness, they are so so so SWEET and I still love that lil' Indian costume from last year. Harlow was a black kitty this year so I could have her wear a tutu :)

  19. So adorable! I love the one of the girls giving each other a sweet kiss and also Lillie reading to Lola on the couch. Their costumes are precious.

  20. Kisses and love to your beautiful girls.
    the little one, is now 1? nto yet... I remember, visiting you, the days, she was born... she is adorable !

    regards from sunny Athens, in Greece. (east)

  21. I think that these are the sweetest berries I've ever seen! Completely adorable.

  22. Absolutely adorable!!! And, you were even able to snap Lillie smiling at the camera,...I recognize those little victories even with teenage boys, it's hard to get a {normal} smile!! Darling pictures of the girls, I love the one of Lola peeking from behind Lillie as she reads a book. :o)

  23. Good Morning! Such adorable girls. The photo of them in the chair together reminds me of my boys - when they were little Josh wanted his picture taken every morning with "baby".

  24. Just so gorgeous! i love strawberry shortcake, this brings me right back to my childhood :)

  25. How cute are they?!!! They will look back on some fantastic Halloween memories.

  26. love the pocahontas tutu skirt..may i know where did you get the fabric from?was that handmade?


  27. Do you happen to remember the name of the color of tulle you used on the Pocahontas tutu? It's perfect and I'm having trouble finding it!

    1. Unfortunately I don't know--sorry! Our mom made it. I think it was a gold though.
