Friday, December 23, 2011

Our Christmas Porch

Here are tons and tons of photos of our porch! I was planning on writing about it but we are on the road headed to Indiana for Christmas so I don't have time to write. When I have time I will try to come back in and add some text to this post. But for now here are all of the pictures:


Can you believe tomorrow is Christmas Eve? Ahhhh!!!


  1. GORGEOUS Jennifer! I LUVVVVV all the black and white buffalo ck pillows! Your porch has always been a favorite of mine. Merry Christmas to you and your family! Martina

  2. It looks SO beautiful Jennifer!!! I love all the white with the black plaid flannel:) Merry Christmas!!!

  3. This is beautiful with the black & white, and all the silhouettes. Do you sell the silhouette tree ornaments? It would make a great gift for next year (is it too early to start thinking about next year?) Have a Merry Christmas in Indiana. We are having a mild winter so far in this part of the world.

  4. Jennifer, Your porch is always beautiful but even more so decorated for Christmas. Have a wonderful trip and a very Merry Christmas.

  5. Jennifer, I love seeing your porch. The black and white theme with the green is wonderful.
    Have a very Merry Christmas!

  6. So beautiful. I love the crispness of the black and white. Have a wonderful christmas with your family!

  7. It looks so gorgeous! Have a very Merry Christmas with your family =)

  8. Wow, it looks beautiful! Your great at it.

  9. I love everything about your porch (every season) but, this is just special. I love the silhouettes on the plates and the ornaments. I would love to know if you sell them or how they were made. Merry Christmas.

  10. Jennifer your porch is fabulous. Each vignette is gorgeous and beautifully appointed. Have a safe trip and a Merry Christmas.


  11. Just gorgeous, love the black/white Buffalo check! Have a blessed Christmas! xoxo

  12. That has to be the prettiest porch!!! EVER

  13. thank you for letting me having a wonder around your porch it is so beautiful and warm welcome
    many good wishes to you all

  14. Your porch AND home is stunning! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

  15. Really very beautiful! The details makes the difference! Merry Christmas!!

  16. Gorgeous as always! Hope your family has a very Merry Christmas!

  17. Your porch is gorgeous..Have a safe trip and Merry Christmas..

  18. Your porch looks beautiful Jennifer. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  19. Everything looks SO BEAUTIFUL.Love the pillows and the tree and placemats....everything. Hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas! Donna

  20. Jenni, your porch is absolutely gorgeous!!! I hope you all have a merry Christmas!!! {I have to ask, is it warm enough to sit out here, but it's so pretty anyways!!}

  21. lovely! i love the black and white! merry christmas! susan

  22. Thanks so much, everybody!!!

    Catherine - I printed them out with my silhouette machine on cardstock and vinyl (I have the SilhouetteSD model). We did sell some of the cardstock silhouette cut outs this season, but we didn't have time to do too many. We do hope to offer more this spring though!

    Jessica - It was actually almost 80 degrees in Williamsburg a couple of days ago so I was pretty excited that we were able to use the porch again :)

  23. Oh my goodness! So beautiful! If you get a call from a neighbor about someone curled up reading a book's just me! (jk:))
    Thank you for sharing!
    Have a safe journey and
    Merry Christmas!

  24. I love when you share your beautiful porch!Merry Christmas my friend.I hope your holiday is as sweet as you are xo

  25. Merry Christmas, Jennifer!

    Oh, my! This has to be one of the most glorious posts I've seen this season! I love your sense of style. Just gorgeous!

    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  26. What a beautiful gift for decorating you have Jen! I just LOVE your porch...your entire home is absolutely stunning. I don't know how you juggle it all. I'm a soon to be mommy of a precious little're such an inspiration to me!

    Have a beautiful week, Merry Christmas! xoxo

  27. that is just beautiful - as are your girls. question though..... how the heck do you keep that porch so clean? My porch is similar to yours and it is a battle to keep it clean??? Happy New Year :)

  28. Thanks!!!

    Sheri - Don't worry, ours can be impossible to keep clean sometimes too with all of the dust that seems to settle back there. We had to scour it before we took the pictures :)

  29. Christmas is in the air! It looks like you had fun decorating your porch! I’m sure Santa would love to take a rest on your porch! By the way, did you just make those silhouettes of the little drummer boy hanging on your Christmas tree?

    1. Thanks. Yes, I made them and we sell them in our shop in both black and cream:

  30. I really like it! Did you do the same for last Christmas’s porch décor? I wouldn’t get tired of seeing this in my house every December. It’s nice that you can welcome the 25th on your porch. My family is not too tolerant about the cold, so we usually celebrate in front of the fireplace. ;)
