Sunday, March 4, 2012

Our March Mantel, A Move for Dear Lillie, our March Family, and Tomorrow's Big Giveaway

Whew! I have quite a lot of info to fill in this post! It was quite a week. Sorry, for the lack of posting but I got quite sick. I honestly don't remember the last time I was that sick. Fortunately, I am feeling much better and it has been a busy weekend so far. We started spring cleaning - yay! Yesterday we cleaned out the fridge, freezer, pantry and cabinets! And not just the quick cleaning, I mean the empty it all out, scrub it down kind of cleaning. Ahhhh! I love how that feels. Now I am hoping today to attack the upstairs closets. I also started stripping our coffee table and am hoping to get it painted today and then have an armoire that I hope to get to painting tomorrow so if they actually get finished and turn out okay I should have some fun new projects to share later this week. Also, I am hoping to get started on some Easter decorating this week too!

This week will also be busy because we will be moving our main location! As many of you know, we have been having more and more trouble keeping up with inventory and keeping our items in stock. We have been getting help and working as fast as possible but even still just can't seem to keep up with everything because there is just only so much space here to work. We had been talking for a while now about moving up to NH where we have a very large workspace we can use but had been unsure about making such a big move. However, these past few months we started realizing we didn't have a choice if we wanted to grow. Once we realized that, we have become very very excited about the move. It is going to not only allow us to be able to keep up better with the items we already make it should also hopefully allow us to finally expand our production and start making more of the items we had been hoping to but just haven't been able to yet, which we are incredibly excited about. It will make things a little more interesting seeing how I will still be here in VA but seeing how I already take trips up to NH pretty regularly, adding some more trips up there shouldn't be too difficult.  So, at the beginning of this week Jason will be moving all of our inventory up to NH. Our shop will remain open and everything will still process and ship normally. Jason will have some help and the whole move should hopefully take less than 24 hours. The only hiccup will be that we won't be offering any Growth Charts tomorrow. We will have another batch available Friday and after we get settled into our new space we will be able to be making much larger batches so hopefully it won't be so crazy for people trying to get one in their shopping cart!

So, although we won't have a batch available tomorrow, guess what we will be doing? 
 We will be giving one of the growth charts away here on our blog!!!!! 
YAY!!!!!! So be sure to come back tomorrow to enter!

Now back to some decorating. Before I get started on Easter decorating this week, I thought I would show you what our mantel has been looking like lately. The winter months are always kind of hard for me but here is what our mantel has looked like since we took our Christmas stuff down.

Lillie always likes the pink flowers at the grocery store. =) I prefer the white ones but every now and again get the pink ones which she loves!

Also, we wanted to tell you all about our March family. Each month we pick a family or organization and we send a portion of every sale that month to them at the end of the month. This month we are going to be giving a portion of every sale to Darrell and Trish Gilles and their children, whose home was completely destroyed by a tornado last week. They all survived but have suffered some serious injuries so please keep them in your prayers. If anyone would like to help them financially their is an account set up for them at 

PNC Bank
Darrell Gilles Family Catastrophic Relief Fund
Checking Acct. Number: 302866564
Routing Number: 083000108

You can see a facebook page set up for them here:!/gillesfamily 

I hope you all have a blessed Sunday!


  1. Wow! You DO have so much going on in your life right now...AND you are spring cleaning to boot!
    I always enjoy seeing your fabulous photography.
    Thanks so much for sharing your photos with us.
    Happy Moving!

  2. Sounds exciting! Thanks for sharing. I got two "nest" pillows last week and the were just beautiful! I love all your pillow designs and am excited to see what else you come up with. Best of luck!!!!


  3. Wow! You have certainly reclaimed your energy, Jennifer! Lot's of good things on your plate! It appears that your home based business needs another growth chart to mark it's success! Congratulations! I'll be back tomorrow for a chance at your gracious give a way!

  4. Sounds like you have been very busy. I am sure you will ove your new and larger space. As someone who tries to run a business from their home I completely understand the need for more space. Love the mantel!

  5. This certainly is going to be a busy week for you guys, good luck with the move! Love the way your mantel looks Jennifer! So glad your feeling better.

  6. Ohmigosh! I live in NH! Whereabouts will you be?? Have been following as time allows but this is the first time I've noticed your mention of my state - would love to find you up here! Love your stuff and Lillie - LOVE her! Those eyes!! (spoken like a grandma wannabe??) :-)

    Wanda in NH

    1. We will be producing our items in a little town outside of Keene :)

  7. Everything looks so springy and beautiful! Good luck with your busy week, you are taking on a great deal after being so sick. It seems that when I have been laid up, I tend to look around the house and create projects to be done when I am feeling better too! I love the idea of a family of the month, what a nice and personal way to give back.

  8. You spring back well. Glad you are feeling better. Your house is so beautiful. Good luck on your upcoming changes.

  9. Busy time! Happy you are feeling better! Good luck with the move!!

  10. i love the mantel, its beautiful , like always xxx

  11. WOW that was a truly informative post!

    I wish you andyour store the best successes in your new move.

    I ask God to bless you as you continue to give to others in such a caring and loving way.

    I love your mantel and all you do to show and share such lovely pictures of your amazing home and surroundings.

  12. Good Luck with your move and your new store.
    You have a beautiful home. I love the mantle.

  13. I'm with Lillie- the pink are SO pretty! :) Praying you'll have big sales not only this month, but always- what an encouragement that your family is. Blessings!!!

  14. How exciting for you, I know the move will be great for your company, and I'm sure your family is thrilled that you will be visiting more often! Your house looks so pretty, and I can't wait to see your Easter decor. Giving back is so important and something we all need to do, how wonderful that you've selected a family devastated by the tornadoes this week.

    Kat :)

  15. You always inspire me. From my heart, thank you. I am so excited for you all. Congratulations on the big move and much deserved success. Looking forward to the new products. I love everything I have purchased so far. I am a huge fan! Now off to do some spring cleaning also... Happy Week! Hugs.

  16. You guys are such wonderful people. I am pretty much obsessed.

  17. Welcome from a fellow Granite Stater! We have had such a mild winter this year - I am hoping for an Early Spring! Your mantel and other decor touches are lovely - as always.

  18. Yay for Lillie and pink roses~totally with her on that. It will be nice moving to NH. Someday we hope to retire there...I miss our summer home very much. Its a nice place to raise the kids~but you know that.

  19. Well we'll hate to see you leave Va but So happy for your growth!

  20. I'm so glad you are feeling better, and congratulations on expanding the business to NH! So exciting!

  21. I love it! More than that, I live that your proceeds go to a family in need!

  22. I am addicted to your site and am constantly browsing for new ideas. You are so talented and I look forward to each new post and product.

  23. congrats on your business expanding!! :) I love the fact that you donate and help those in need!! xoxo

  24. I am glad to see you back. Not that reading notes from Jason isn't goog, well, i have it's not his best (here...hee...). It is just good to here you are well. Can't wait to see your decorations! Best wishes!

  25. You blog is wonderful and your store sounds exciting. I just joined as a follower and am looking forward to reading more.

  26. Glad to hear that you are feeling bettter, Jenni! I hope all goes smoothly with the move. I will keep the Gilles Family in my thoughts and prayers as well as all others affected. You have a big heart and it's a wonderful thing you're doing by selecing a family each month to help out.

  27. Glad you are feeling better and congrats on the big move for your business..

  28. Jenni, I am so glad you're feeling better! I'm sorry you got so sick--it's hard to take care of yourself when you have little ones to care for, isn't it?

    I'm also glad about the move to NH--how wonderful that you have so much support there!! Hope Jason has everything all settled in nicely by now. Blessings to all of you!

  29. Hi! I know I'm very late to the party here... but I love the mirror you have over your mantel in this post. Can you tell me where you got it, and where I might be able to get it too? :-)
