Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Free May Download and a Winner

Because of Jon's job, I often travel without him. I have flown alone with the girls before, but this trip to NH and back was my first time driving alone with them for more than a three or four hour drive. Let me just say it was quite the adventure! We made it, though! Whew! We are getting settled back in and last night I was able to get just about all of the photos from Lola's party edited and sized. I will get the text written tonight so I can post it tomorrow. Seeing how today is May 1st, though, I thought I would at least make sure to post May's free download. You can click here or on the picture below to download the full PDF file.


Also, Congratulations to Meagan Stansbury for winning the $75 London Reid Gift Card!

And don't forget there you still have today and tomorrow to use the Dear Lillie discount over at London Reid.
Just use the code DL30 for 30% off your order!

See you tomorrow! 


  1. Congratulations on making it through that drive! I know EXACTLY how much fun that can be ;) Lovely printable, and lovely quote. :)

  2. Thanks for the printable. I look forward to these each month and so appreciate your time and creativity.

  3. Thank you for the beautiful May download Jennifer. Congratulations to Meagan!

  4. Thank you for the lovely poem. I received the sets of Elizabeth placemats that I ordered--they are even prettier than the photos, and I love them! The quality is impeccable. Thanks for amazingly FAST shipping, too!

  5. Since my husband is an airline pilot, we all fly for free - which I do often, but every time I add a child into our family and make that first flight alone without him I want to shout with triumph! You earned a badge in the mother book for that one!
