Saturday, June 2, 2012

Free June Download and Alice Hansen

I hope you all are enjoying June so far! Oh how I love this time of year! We are off to the farmer's market this morning and hopefully will be having a little lemonade stand this afternoon. We had planned on doing it yesterday but it rained pretty much all afternoon and evening. Oh well, hopefully we will have better luck today. Lillie is quite excited about it!  

Just click on the picture below or here and you will be able to download it for free!
I also wanted to introduce this month's family that we will be contributing a portion of every sale on our website to. I read this story a few weeks ago and it absolutely broke my heart. Heidi over at Honeybear Lane shared about her beautiful and amazing sister-in-law, Alice Demske Hansen who passed away shortly after giving birth, leaving behind her husband, two young sons and her newborn daughter. Please keep this family in your prayers! You can visit Heidi's blog and read more about Alice and her family by clicking here.

We also ask you all to keep last month's family, the Voelkel's in your prayers as sweet little Lily who went home to be with Jesus on May 14th.


  1. I read the family's story. So tragic.

  2. How wonderful of you! I am sending prayers and good thoughts to both families!


  3. Such a sad story..
    Keeping them in my prayers..

  4. I love the poem....perfect for how I feel about the season.
    Thank you.

    What a special family to shower with love and prayers. You are such a blessing, Jennifer!

  5. Saw an article on your blog in the Seattle Times today and couldn't wait to check it out. Not disappointed, for sure!

  6. Loved the pillows I ordered and am so thankful you are giving to this family! Will continue to pray for both families.....

  7. Jennifer--

    Thank you immensely for this generous contribution. This has been the most trying time in our family's life and every day we struggle to accept that our sweet Alice is gone. My brother has had a very difficult time as you might imagine but he is strengthened by all those who have reached out to him and prayed for his family. His new baby girl is doing very well and seems to be a very easy baby (thank goodness for my 65 year old mom's sake who is the primary caregiver right now.) We miss our sister dearly. Thank you, thank you. XOXO- Heidi
