Thursday, August 9, 2012

Take Me Out to the Ball Game...

I grew up playing and loving sports. My siblings and I played just about everything, but we always had a special love for basketball and baseball. Both my parents played basketball and my dad was a basketball coach, and then I met and fell in love with Jon so my life will probably continue to revolve around basketball until the day I die. My mom's family has strong baseball ties and we grew up excited about trips to the ballpark and eating hot dogs, cotton candy and ice cream that was served in an upside down plastic baseball hat. There's just something about a warm summer evening that brings back memories of sitting in the stands at a ballpark as the sun set, with my glove on my hand, listening for the crack of the bat and waiting with anticipation for a foul ball to come my way...(and yes, Jon makes great fun of me for the fact that I used to bring my glove to every game... -haha!)

While we were in New Hamsphire this summer, we were headed to a baby shower for one of my cousins over in Vermont and drove by an old baseball field. I immediately fell in love with the old dugouts against the cornfields. The setting was so serene and looked so untouched by time. I found out later my dad used to play on this field when he was younger. A couple weeks later I met my cousin Cathy and her husband, Jason out there with their five little ones and we let them run around and play and I took some photos.

The setting was so beautiful!

I love Abby's expression in this one!

I wanted to get Lola and Benjamin in the pictures too but Lola was NOT cooperating.

She sure did have fun giving poor Auntie Jamie a run for her money though! We couldn't even contain her long enough to tame her crazy hair. =)

Auntie Jamie and Uncle "Dutch" corralling Lola for a moment...

Time to pick up and head home for the night...

I hope you all have a beautiful evening!


  1. This team wins hands down with their adorable smiles.

  2. Such beautiful photos! The kids look like they are having so much fun!
    p.s. Is your brother going to be writing a post soon?

    1. He is! He's actually working on one now that hopefully he will post at some point this month!

  3. I love these images! Lillie is model material, no doubt. Such a ham who photographs like a dream. As for Lola, well all I can do is laugh! Some kids really are hard to tame! My oldest was so similar. Even now when she's 19 I still can't get her to sit for a photo with her sister.

    I hope you and your family had a wonderful time in NH this summer!

  4. Field of dreams. If you build it...
    Such history.
    A beautiful post for this baseball Mom's heart.
    The children are precious.

  5. What fun shots. Lillie looks like a natural swinging that bat and her eye on the ball. She has the prettiest long thick hair. Lola is cute as a button.

  6. Oh my - I love these pictures! Reminds me of being a kid with all of my siblings. Fun summertime fun!

  7. Ah Jen, does it honestly get much cuter than THAT?

    So adorable - and to have cousins their age, that's AWESOME!

  8. These pictures are definitely a hit! Seriously, they are adorable. Love the setting.

  9. Beautiful- reminds me of Field of Dreams!

  10. Jenni, thanks for doing an awesome job capturing those memories! Reminds me of all the times we would play off-the-roof. ;)

  11. Jenny -these are awesome pictures - all of them! Benjamin has really grown, hasn't he?! Love all these pics, as always! Love, Aunt Jan

  12. Such nice girls you have. And your pictures are really awesome - perfect light and a lovely little model.
    I love your pictures and I hope to reach also such a terrific setting

    A wonderful summertime wishing you from germany

  13. So pretty! Just love your photography style!

  14. Home Run with those pics! You captured the perfect summers evening. Magical...

  15. These have got to be the cutest pictures! I just love the setting and the outfits (love overalls!) and the kids are adorable! Now I'll have to look for old dugouts on a baseball field!

    Jill Palumbo

  16. If you build it....they will come. Baseball in a cornfield - as it should be. Awesome for you guys, beautiful pics.

  17. Gorgeous pictures!!! A great summer the "field of dreams"...

  18. Amazing pictures! This is why I think all little girls need overalls! Adorable! Great setting. What lens and settings did you use? You got awesome action shots!

    1. Thanks! I love overalls too! I shoot in manual so the settings were changed throughout the whole shoot. I mostly used my 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 VR lens for these photos. You can read a full photography post here:

      Have a wonderful weekend!
