Sunday, December 16, 2012


Honestly, there are no words to write...our hearts are heavy and we are praying, praying, praying for everyone who has been affected by the horrifying tragedy on Friday.

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." 
Psalm 23: 4


  1. This is terrible. We are with you. We grieve together with you.

  2. Prego anche io con voi..... JERRY

  3. Jennifer, I think this has effectived most of us in some sense or other! Paying for the families and our society! God bless you and your family! Hug those two beautiful girls!

  4. Everyone in the country has been affected, I know that as a mom with children, one in elementary, this has just broken my heart. I just cannot understand it, and im sure I'm not the only parent who will find it very hard to let my kids go off to school tomorrow.

  5. It helps me to have others to share my grief and to spread the word that God is in charge and He is taking care of those little ones right now as well as the caretakers that sacrificed for the children. I just can't imagine the families' grief.

  6. I know... I can't stop thinking about those families, and the children, and other people who have lost children who feel it all over again hearing this. It's hard to find a place in my brain where this fits, and it's so frustrating to know there is nothing i can do to help. Many people are gonna suffer long and hard, and one never really gets over something like this, only time can soften the pain.


  7. So true! God has those precious babies and adults with Him! Thank you for your wonderful reminder in Psalms! He is with us too! Praying!

  8. Prayers are going up for the families and community and OUR Nation so that this may never happen again .. My prayer is for a hedge of protection around our schools, churches, friends, loved ones and this community as they endure such loss .. You are right there are no words ....for what loss and hurt they are going thru. My heart is with them... My prayers are with them ...I pray we never hear anything like this again .............

  9. Prayers for the families and friends that they may be comforted in our Savior's arms.

  10. As a mommy of three girls...I join you in prayer for all those affected by this tremendous tragedy. My heart goes out to each of them.
    Williamsburg, VA

  11. As I grandmother of 4 elementary age grands and one younger, my heart is broken for the parents, families, community, just everyone who is touched by this horrible, inconcievable tragedy. I am saved by Grace so I know that instantly each child walked into the arms of Jesus. I know by Faith that is true and give me comfort. Yet....the depth of sorrow is so immense that until Sunday, my prayers were just, "Oh God, Oh God, Oh God".....said with both the unspoken question of "why" these beautiful children and at the same time, calling out to the Lord to fill the sorrow in my heart with his love. I am from the NE, originally, have been in CT, but never this area. There is something about the simple white sign welcoming visitors that makes it so inconcievable that such evil came instead. Thank you for your heartfelt words, your lovely blog I enjoy and for allowing us to come together here, share our sorrows and join together in prayers.
