Thursday, January 24, 2013

Robert and Maggie

I had the privilege a couple of weeks ago to take engagement photos for my cousin, Robert, and his fiancé, Maggie. They are such a gorgeous couple which sure does make taking photos easy. They were up visiting in New Hampshire during the same time we were so it made it perfect for a wintery themed shoot, although it sure was COLD! =) Because Lola is not feeling well and on my lap while I am trying to write this I am going to give up trying to type anything more and just share with you some of the photos:

Congratulations, Robert and Maggie. We love you so much!


  1. gorgeous couple and beautiful pictures!

  2. Jennifer, what awesome shots of a very handsome couple.

  3. They look like movie beautiful. Love the winter different. Hope your baby feels better soon.

  4. What a lovely couple and perfect winter pics!

  5. absolutely beautiful pictures and a beautiful couple.


  6. A far cry from that little boy I babysat so so so many years ago.

    Stunning photos and so happy for them.

  7. beautiful, beautiful photos, Jennifer...they sure are a gorgeous couple...;)

  8. I swear your whole family looks like they walked off the page of a Ralph Lauren ad!!

  9. Gorgeous! I'm sure they will graciously invite you to be their wedding photographer.

  10. I agree with ftloah. Congratulations to the newly engaged couple. Jenni if you keep posting your amazing work pretty soon you will be booked solid with photo sessions!! I wish I had a 1/4 of your talents!! YOU are AMAZING!!!

  11. Jenni, these photos are beautiful, as is the couple! You must start a photography business -- in your spare time. :-)

  12. Ok Jenni, since you did Robert's engagement pics that means you have to do mine too. But don't worry, that'll be in like 15 years haha :) LOVE YOU JENNI! Cant wait to see you this weekend!

  13. Wow beautiful photos and a very sweet looking couple.

  14. Awwww, beautiful photos. They are such a handsome couple. I love the black and white snuggle one the best. They are so lucky they had you to take these sweet romantic shots...


  15. What a gorgeous couple! And what great photos - well done.

  16. No! It can't be! Seems like Robert should be painting an Emphasis "e" on his drumset. Or maybe building Star Wars Legos. Where did the time go?

    On a serious note, these photos are gorgeous. But honestly, how could they not be gorgeous when they're of Rob and Maggie??

  17. You are amazingly talented. My hubby and I have been married for 21 years and have never had pics done like this~even at our wedding. It's on my list!!! xo~melissa

  18. These pictures are truly gorgeous! Wonderful job.

  19. Great shots! I like the one with the light on her hair. It almost makes it look like their upper body forms a heart. I like the first one, and the one of them sitting on the sled in the snow the best, but they are all very good! Congrats to the happy couple!

  20. Beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing. Hope sweet Lola is feeling better soon.

  21. Just Beautiful-Still love the ones of your darling girls- But those are pretty amazing as well-
    Love your work for sure

  22. Beautiful photo shoot of a beautiful couple. Congratulations to them. Their love really shines through. And, Maggie has gorgeous hair!

  23. You really should make a career out of photography, these are spectacular! The light is so beautiful...I love golden, hazy sunshine. I hope little Lola feels better soon. xo

  24. Simply beautiful,I don't think you realize how amazingly talented you are!
