Monday, April 29, 2013

A Few More Pictures of Everly Penniman

The last week or so I have spent very little time on my computer so I am quite behind on getting my photos all loaded onto my computer and sized for the blog. I have a few things to show you from Jamie and Josh's house, a couple of things from our house, two new chalkboards, a new pillow, some new greeting cards and tags and some "during" shots from "Jason's house". I'm hoping tonight to start getting caught up on my computer but we shall see. =) In the meantime I thought I would share the last few photos I took of baby Everly from way back in the early March when she was just a week old. As I mentioned in the other post with her photos we never got to take the photos we had planned on that first week because Lillie, Lola and I were all so sick, but I am happy that we were able to at least get some, even if they weren't what we had planned. Especially seeing how this trip up to NH I haven't taken any!


  1. Wow...great pictures,she is just adorable;)

    Hugs and kisses from DK

  2. So sweet... precious and perfect.

  3. Your photography is amazing! Do you mind sharing what camera/lens/settings you used for these photos? The lighting is perfect did you achieve that by using natural light and the settings in your camera? Or did you use a flash? Thank you!

    1. Thank you! I used my Nikon D700 for these in natural light. I did a full photography post here that you can read:

  4. Oh, my goodness, Jenni, she is just BEAUTIFUL! What a blessing your photography skills are to your entire family--especially since they belong to YOU, and you're a blessing just by your very existence! :)

    Hope you're doing great! I know you're super busy these days; hope all is well with all of you.

  5. She look's like a little doll.. Just adorable Jenni.
