Sunday, October 27, 2013

Joy to the World Placemats and Thermals are Back in Stock

Just popping in real quickly again to let you know of some products we have restocked. I should be back tomorrow with some decorating photos.

 And we are excited to have restocked our women's thermals:
(we will have a pink women's thermal available soon!)

And our children's thermals are back in stock too!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!


  1. Love your thermals and very excited for the pink one! Hope you had a lovely weekend Jennifer.

  2. Love these, Jennifer! As pretty! Did you know I featured you on my blog on Friday? I tagged you on IG but don't even know if you saw it! Just love all you do! Hope you have an amazing week! XO -Kennesha

  3. Love the THERMALS my friend.. and how can one order those placemats. LOVE them !!!

    1. Thank you so much, Sherry! They are linked in the post or you can click here: They sold out pretty quickly, though. We will be making more but it will probably be a couple of weeks before they are back in stock.

      Have a blessed week!


  4. Is is time for Christmas stuff already? I can't believe how quickly this year has gone by.

  5. I love to see the new touches in each room of your home. It's like playing "I spy" with the kids. I like the new table and the vignette on it. Looking forward to the details:)

  6. Hi, there! Your blog is so inspiring. I just wish I had talent like you!
    And how do you keep the house so clean??

    I wanted to ask where you bought the mini Christmas tree with the lights. I love how it is compact. I have a 13 month old who would put everything in his mouth. So this year I am thinking of just having a small one like the one you got! Kate

    1. Thank you so much, Kate! I feel like I clean all day long and it's never really all the "clean" it's more "tidy" - haha! I got that Christmas tree from Ballard Designs a few years ago. I still love it and would purchase it again!

      Have a blessed holiday season!

