Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas From the Holmes Family

We just wanted to pop in and wish you all a very Merry Christmas! I thought I would share our 2013 Christmas Card along with our ones from the last few years with you today:

Here is the front of this year's card:



 And here is our 2012 card:



 And our 2011 card:



 and lastly our 2010 card:



Merry Christmas! 

"Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you: he is Christ the Lord." 
Luke 2:11


  1. Merry Christmas for the family Holmes!

  2. The Christmas cards are so beautiful! Merry Christmas to you and your family, too! And thank you so much for the beautiful photos and creative inspiration you provide us with throughout the year! Much love from Germany - maks :-)

  3. Your cards are so beautiful!!!!! The girls are wonderful!
    Merry christmas, Sabina

  4. All the Christmas cards are so sweet! They all tell a story of Holmes family! Thanks for all you do thru out the year and Here is to wishing you and your family (extended family too!) a very Happy and wonderful New Year!!! Looking forward to everything that this year holds for all of us followers. Thanks, Shawn a follower in Maryland

  5. Oh how the years go by ! Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family !!!!

  6. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
    VĂ¢nia, from Brazil

  7. Ohhh my gosh! How crazy is that to see the changes that happen with the kids in one year. I can't even believe how grown up they both are ! Your cards are incredible!
    I hope ya'll had an amazing Christmas in your beautiful new home!


  8. Merry Christmas to you as well! Hope it was a great one for your family. These pictures are adorable.

  9. Boy, those photos take me back! I remember when Lillie was just a tiny thing.
    Beautiful family!

  10. Merry Christmas! Your cards are stunning. Beautiful keepsakes. I can barely get photo's of my boys anymore. They love to duck when I get out the camera :(

  11. So adorable little girls and lovely family!

  12. Hope you and your family had a great holiday and that is a very cute card you made. Thank you for sharing.

  13. I always wait to see your cards before I send mine out! HA! Even if they are late. I do have two questions. Wondering what font you use for dearlillie? I LOVE it (kinda an understatement) and I noticed that you put your blog and web address on the back bottom of the cards, is that for just the photo watermark or do you really do that? I get nervous sending a warm Christmas card to my clients while at the same time totally shamelessly self promoting. Your thoughts?

    1. Thank you! As far as the watermark/logo goes, every single card we received this Christmas from friends and family had a logo on the back of it (shutterfly, minted, tinyprints, etc.) so I guess to me this is exactly the same. =)

  14. Your cards are just gorgeous! Do you mind sharing where you got the template or what software you used (if you designed it yourself). I love the little stamps in the inside of the cards that show various pictures for your year. But where are the pictures of you! As a fellow mom photog, I try to always make sure I am in some pictures. Otherwise, I find that my pictures are so very lopsided with my kids and my husband. Lol. :-)

    1. Thanks so much! I designed the cards in Photoshop and Illustrator. And no pictures of me this year haha, we'll see if I make the cut next year :)
