Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Happy October and our In Everything Give Thanks Print

I just wanted to pop in and first say Happy October! And also to let you know we have a brand new print in stock this morning! It's our "In Everything Give Thanks" 11 by 14 chalkboard print.

We'll be back tomorrow with a brand new sign that we are exited about! 


  1. Thank you, Jennifer, for this reminder from 1Thesslonians. I never had a sister only brothers; I always wanted a daughter, but raised boys. On this day, Oct 1, I found out my little grandson is going to be blessed with a baby brother. I need to be so thankful in all things!!

  2. Will this new chalkboard print be available as a download? I love it and would like a larger size.

    1. Thanks, Marie! We haven't decided yet, so unfortunately I don't have an answer for you yet :(

  3. I love the glass cereal containers! Could you tell me where you got them? Boy could my cupboards use these for organization!
