Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Snow Cream

With all the snow we had last week the girls and I had fun making some snow cream! Lillie's wonderful teacher shared this recipe and the girls were excited to try it. It tasted surprisingly similar to vanilla ice cream, maybe a little bit sweeter. You can also make it chocolate but we just stuck with vanilla and then added whipped cream and Hershey's syrup. 

There was a little left over so I added in some coffee and hot cocoa and made a little frappuccino. That was quite a bit sweeter than the ones I usually make but still pretty good!

 I hope you all have a fabulous Tuesday!


  1. Yummy! I wish we got snow here in the valley of Oregon.

  2. My guess is where you live there are no mice, squirrels or others creatures running or flying about for you to make this to eat?????

    1. We figured it went without saying that we used freshly fallen, clean snow haha! It's mostly just a fun activity to do with kids!

  3. Such a beautiful bowl!

  4. Such a beautiful bowl!

  5. Yum! We had a lot of snow last week too... Wishing I'd have thought to try something like this with my kiddoes!

  6. What a fun idea to try with your girls! We have certainly had plenty of snow in New England!
