Wednesday, August 3, 2016

George the Peacock (Bluestone Hill)

Say hello to George the Peacock, the newest resident of Bluestone Hill! He was painted by Sophie Dentiste, who was so sweet and offered to send this original painting to us. It was perfect for this home, as we relate peacocks to Bluestone Hill, even though it is actually the neighbors who have always kept peacocks. When I was little, I thought the peacock at the end of the road was Uncle Bob's and he had the coolest peacock chair in the corner which we kids fought over sitting in when we came to visit. Evie became obsessed with the peacock down the road a little before Uncle Bob passed away (she once woke up at 2 AM and yelled "caw, caw" and promptly fell right back to sleep), and I even painted a little watercolor peacock for her old bedroom. So...we kinda like peacocks! :)

This painting puts my little watercolor for Everly's room to shame! I wish I had the talent to paint, but unfortunately God gifted Jenni with most of the talents and had to scramble to find something for the rest of us afterwards! :) But seriously...

I love the blues and greens Sophie used for the peacock - they are beautiful and tie in nicely with the existing tile surround on the fireplace. 

The plaid check pillows are from Target, and my mom happened to have pillows in a pattern that echoes that of the tile. 

This room is very much a work in progress- although progress has been halted to work on Everly's bedroom and to order new doors on the left side of the room. The walls were white and the trim, molding, built-ins, and beams were all a color that is under dispute- I said "teal" but my family claims I am a little colorblind and called it green. We can agree to disagree...but either way, it is a massive amount of painting, and I put it on hold to work on our daughters room. We plan on replacing the two chandeliers (one of which you can see in this picture) once we get closer to the end of this room.

These peacock feathers are real - our neighbor heard that Everly was a big fan last year and gave us a little bouquet of feathers the peacock had shed, back before we were even neighbors or knew we were going to be!

Source List:
Painting - George the Peacock by Sophie Dentiste
Wall paint - Exisiting
Trim paint - White Dove by Benjamin Moore
Chairs - Ballard Designs
Navy buffalo check pillows - Target
Green patterned pillows - made by our mother
Navy patterned throw - Target
Rug - Ballard Designs
Ottoman - Joss & Main
Gold decorative bird and orb on ottoman - Home Goods
Clear dotted bud vases on mantel and cutting board - IKEA
All other mantel decor & book on ottoman - passed down from family
Cutting board on ottoman - bought at a local antique store

Have a great day! 

* We received this painting in exchange for this post. All thoughts and opinions are our own. 


  1. What a beautiful painting! And how generous of Sophie! It's perfect on your mantel. Your home is coming together. :-)

  2. That painting is stunning ♥

  3. The pillows that echo the tiles are so perfect! Love that room so far! And as far as I can see, your whole family is creatively gifted!

  4. Beautiful painting! And such a lovely room! 💙💚

  5. This beautiful painting of peacock is complementing the color of your living room.

  6. Love the colors you are using and the style you have. I think you and your family are all very talented just from reading the blog a long time!

    I love the name "Bluestone Hill" and thought how perfect it would be for a blog name. I would read it! I remember seeing some plates you posted that had the name on them and thought that was so neat. It would lend itself to branding other items so easily down the road.

    Sometimes we think our siblings get more gifts, but I think it just takes seeing the potential God gives us! So enjoy reading about the endeavors you all take on.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind comment, Cheryl! I know God gave us all many varied gifts, I think he just gave Jenni the most obvious and useful ones! ;) When the girls are in school, maybe I'll write that novel I've been dreaming about writing since pretty much about the time I learned to spell my name...:) Have a great night!

  7. Wow! Those pillows with that tile! It's serendipity!
