Thursday, July 22, 2010

Jamie's Birthday and Photos of Miss Abigail Grace

My youngest sister, Jamie, turned 24 this past Sunday, so we celebrated while we were in Maine. It was hard to really throw much of a party there, but we did have lots of fun. We reused the tutus my mom made us all for Lillian's first birthday, although we somehow forgot Lillie's tutu - haha! Anyway, I can't believe she is all grown up. She is such a beautiful soul and so good with Lillie. Lillie adores her and clung to her most of the day on Sunday. I think she must have known it was Jamie's special day.

Jamie is the one who does most of our wedding items along with all of our current clutches. She just finished two new ones this week that you all are going to love! She just brought them over this afternoon and I am going to try to take a few pictures to show you a preview of them. They are both gorgeous, but one of them is my FAVORITE Dear Lillie item to date! We are bringing them with us to our photoshoot tomorrow and so should definitely have some good photos to show you all after that.

Anyway, here are some pictures from Sunday: It was too hard to try to make a cake in the very "vintage" kitchen so instead we got cupcakes from Coldstone. Oh my goodness!!!! They were divine! I wish we had gotten more of them so we could each have two. I suppose it was for the best, though, just having one, because they were so rich we would all have been sick if we had of had more than one.

The birthday girl and her husband, Josh (or "Dutch" as Lillie calls him).

Lillie with Moose (who she calls "Mimi")

Lillie helping Aunt Jamie open her presents. I think she was a bit disappointed in most of them...well, actually just some of them. She wasn't too thrilled with the gift cards and clothing, but Jamie also opened several children's games and a Barbie movie. Jamie may be the only 24 year old that asks for those types of gifts - haha!

Blowing out the candles

Also, while we were at the beach I finally got to finish editing some pictures I took of Abigail Grace Heavner wearing some of our tutus. She is just the most beautiful little girl. Have you ever seen such blonde hair? Her mom, Cathy's is this blonde too! I am so jealous!
Don't forget - there are just a few days left to enter to win a tutu and check back tomorrow as we will be joining some other blog friends in a Mid-Summer Blog Party and hosting ANOTHER GIVEAWAY!


  1. Happy 24th birthday Jamie! So cute about the Barbie video. It really looks like you all had a wonderful time. And where is the picture of you in your tutu Jenni?? ;)

    I can hardly wait to see the new clutches Jamie created.

    Love the pics of Abigail she is really adorable...

  2. Happy Birthday Jamie!!! I am on pins & needles to see her new clutch. I LOVE clutches, especially Jamie's!! Fantastic pictures Jenni- all of them!! xo

  3. AWWWWW! You guys are the cutest fam in tutus!!!!!!! To be 24 again!!!! AWWWW! I can see you had a geat one! Miss you guys!!!!

  4. Happy Birthday to Jamie! She is beautiful!

  5. Those are beutiful pictures!! I love the second one down of Abigail! And it looks like you guys had so much for the bday party! xoxo

  6. I can't believe I missed this post! Whoops. I love all the pics! Abbie is so stinkin' cute! It looks like Jamie had a fun b-day! Miss you.
