Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My Sweet Savannah and a WINNER!

Jon and I celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary last week!

Hello Everyone! So, I am super excited that Melaine Thompson over at My Sweet Savannah is going to be hosting a giveaway for us tomorrow! Her blog has been voted one of 2010's Top Home and Garden Blogs and it is one of my absolute favorites! I first saw her on HGTV's Rate My Space website a couple of years ago and fell in love with her style. Then last winter we both were featured on  HGTV's favorite holiday ideas! Along with a fabulous blog, she also runs a wonderful Etsy Shop and sells some beautiful things!

Here are just a few photos from her blog, be sure to head on over to My Sweet Savannah to see more:

Also, it is time to announce the winner of our mini-giveaway!

Congratulations to Trisha Ashley!

Please let us know which giraffe shirt or onesie you would like and what size!
Thanks so much to everyone for entering!


  1. ~*~Love Melaines home decor~* Your wedding photo is beautiful too!~*Hugs, Rachel

  2. That bedroom looks like the perfect place to flop for a wonderful nap on this rainy day here in VA! I love your wedding picture~congrats on the anniversary!


  3. What a beautiful bride and congrats to Trisha (;

  4. Hey there!

    Is your husband wearing a Burberry Nova Check plaid tie in your wedding pic?

    For the past several years, I told myself that is what my wedding decor and attire will be based off of. I am hoping to be proposed to soon and when the time comes that is what our wedding will be based off of--the Burberry Nova Check Plaid. :-)

    Great minds think alike!!!

    xoxo Cricket

  5. Wow, good eyes, Cricket! Yes, he is indeed wearing the Burberry Nova Check tie. Our wedding colors were champagne, chocolate and ivory. I hope your proposal comes soon! You will have so much fun planning a wedding.

  6. YOU GUYS ARE DARLING!!! WOW!! what a beautiful couple! I love your wedding pic and My Sweet Savannah has just lovely stuff! xoxo

  7. Happy fourth anniversary! You look beautiful on the pic.

  8. I found you thru Melanie's blog, your home and etsy shop are beautiful! I have been a follower of Melanie's for a while now, her place is spectacular too! She always has such neat ideas. I have become a follower and can't wait to see more of your blog.
