Monday, August 8, 2011

Our New Fall Line and a Winner (Jason's August Post)

I should probably start off by admitting that I tricked you—or at least I tried to.  You see, the above picture has absolutely nothing to do with my post below.  Truth be told, I wasn’t entirely confident that my own sketches would draw you in so I borrowed a random photo of Jenni’s.  Hope you don’t mind.  Now on to the important stuff…

Since I now basically handle all of the grunt work here at Dear Lillie with little-to-no help from my task-doling sister, I figured that it was about time that I made a name for myself within fashion/home décor circles.  And what better way to do this than to release my own line of items through Dear Lillie.  Without further ado, allow me to introduce you to our new men’s line—Dear Billie.

Give Tanks
This sleeveless T features… uhh, well… a tank (creative, right?).  Yeah, I’m sure its been done before, but never with such raw style and sheer marketability.  **Spoiler Alert** You’re definitely going to want to pick one of these up if you’re enthralled by the idea of having your shirt rhyme with your new couch pillows (I’m talking about our yet-to-be-released “Give Thanks” pillow covers, of course).

Adult Onesie
I’d be absolutely shocked if this one doesn’t make it into production.

Vintage Golf Longsleeved Thermal Polo
I figured I’d throw a bunch of clothing-related words together and see what happened.  I added some  knickers to the rather malnourished looking stick figure to give it a “vintage” feel (but mostly I did it to make fun of the way Jenni manages to fit the word “vintage” into every post).

I’ll be honest, I got lazy here and opted for a filler.

Garyland Tee
I thought I’d try my hand with some silhouettes, and I must say they turned out quite well.  This machine-washable item features L.M. Montgomery’s lesser known “There is such a place as Garyland” quote.  Please note, I definitely would have given ol’ Gary a mullet if I had any clue what I was doing.

So now you have a pretty good glimpse of what to expect when we reopen on September 1st..  And please, cut me some slack on the sketches… I’m not an artist, I’m an ideasman.

p.s. For those of you who have joined our new mailing list, don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten about you. We plan on sending something out in the next week or so.  For those of you who haven’t signed up... you haven’t missed anything yet, so feel free to join today.

And now for the winner of the Fairyland Tote Giveaway! 
Congratulations to Jenny!

CONGRATULATIONS! Send us an e-mail at with your address and we will get it shipped out to you!


  1. Dear Billie? That's awesome! Thank for the laugh!

  2. Love it! I am definitely next in line for the adult onesie for men! Ha! You are truly talented Jason - just like your sister! :)

  3. Definitely add the mullet!! It would fly off the shelf down here in the South! just sayin ;-}

  4. Excellent new line. And that onesie? Honestly, who ever thought the footie pajamas would sell for adults? Perhaps, it came about exactly like this. :P Marissa

  5. The onesie - its got "best seller" written all over it. I get it haha.

  6. Dear Billie, your designs are awesome, please put them in your store asap, especially the adult onesie. Just terrific. You have such an eye for fashion. xoxo

  7. you are so funny, i really was "laughing out loud" i bet lillie loves to hang with you, you remind me of my brothers =)

  8. kills me every time! I don't know how you put up with him! :)

  9. I'm hoping for the "Give Tanks" shirt, I have a few on my shopping list that would love it! :)

  10. Jason, you are funny! I don't care what anyone else says!!! Ha!!!

  11. Literally laughing aloud. The alarming truth is, if it were pitched to the right market - small towns across America - I think it would be a success.

  12. dear Jason,
    you are a hoot! I think I threw up a little bit on that adult onesie though;) After moving to NH I'm thinking I could easily see that at my Market Basket on Saturdays (we 'don't' shop on Saturdays as it's just to scary!!) I loved your vision. I would be waiting for the fashion houses in NYC and Paris to be calling at any moment!
    best of luck with the line;)

    p.s. If your major wasn't writing, I fear you have missed your destiny!

  13. Your menswear line will do fine, they look like great shirts to wear while lounging in front of the 200" TV's that men love so well.
    I especially love the "dear billie". Anything with that on it can't help but be a best seller!
    ROFL, Cindy
