Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Good-Bye Moose Mountain

(Jamie's favorite book is Gone with the Wind, and one of the days that we were shooting tutus, as we were picking up to head back up to the house we VERY quickly tried to take a shot inspired by it).

For the past three years, while Jon is gone for the month of July recruiting, I have packed up and gone to New Hampshire to spend the month with my family. This year, because of Lola's health issues, we actually packed up a little earlier than normal and ended up spending close to seven weeks up there!  I couldn't possibly put into words how grateful I am to my parents and siblings for putting up with us for all that time and for all of their help. It was so hard to leave - I am pretty sure Lillie and Lola now think that "Moose Mountain" (or "Moose Mount" as Lillie now calls it) is their home. As much as I will miss being there, it is so nice to be able to be with Jon again. We are out visiting with his family right now and will be headed back home at the end of this week. In the meantime, I thought I would post some of my favorite pictures from our time in NH (some have been posted before and a few are new) and say a huge thank you to my wonderful family!

This is the house my mom grew up in and where we took the pictures of Dani and Mike. It was built by my great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather in the late 1700's. (I think I have the right amount of greats, but maybe not...)

Lillie playing in the dirt

Lillie and Duke


Lillie running away while we were taking tutu pictures

Lillie and Auntie Dana

Mike and Dani

Daisies Lillie picked for Mimi


Lola and Mimi

 Auntie Dana and Lillie

Aunt Jamie and Lillie

Uncle Jason and Lola

Uncle "Dutch" and Lillie



Lillie "helping" Bri down at the farm

Lillie playing at the farm

Lillie sipping some lemonade at Burdick's

Papa and Lola

Lillie and Papa on the porch watching for deer, geese, turkeys, etc.

Lillie and Dana at the farm

Mimi and Lola

Lillie riding her bike

Lillie and Duke (or maybe Harley)

Our little Lola Wren

Auntie Jamie and Lillie at the library

Lillie and her new best friend, Evelyn

Lillie and Duke

Me and Lola


I hope that you all have a wonderful Tuesday!


  1. SO beautiful Jennifer.....like a book...so many wonderful memories you made with your family....a good thing :)

    Hope Lola is getting better and better...

    have a great day

    Lou Cinda

  2. Beautiful photos! What great memories from this summer.

  3. So glad you all had such a fun time! I love New England and was there with my little ones in June visiting all of our family. Wish I could have stayed longer and am missing it now.


  4. Okay...your whole family is tremendously beautiful!!!! Even Jason-haha!!! . Little Lola looks like Aunt Jamie!!! A lot!

    Have fun with Jon's family. Y'all are always in my prayers.

  5. Scarlett O'Hara said, "I'll think about that tomorrow. What is there to do? What is there that matters? Tara! Home. I'll go home."
    I'm glad you got to go "home". Your family and your photographs are all just beautiful.

  6. Family is the best!! Love the house and these pictures!! Hoping Lola is doing better. :)

  7. So pretty~I bet your sister loves that shot! I would die for one just like it! Such a great post to read, you have a nice family.

  8. Beautiful pictures and I'm so glad you had such a wonderful time with your family! I'm sure Jon is happy to have his girls back!

    Kat :)

  9. Wow, those are some gorgeous pictures! What wonderful memories you made while you were there!

  10. oh Jenni- such gorgeous photographs! What sweet memories for you, the sweetpeas and your whole family! I will miss knowing that you are just down the road;), but I am sooooo happy that we were able to meet. You have such a wonderful family and it was an honor to meet Jamie and your mother too!
    New Hampshire will miss you and the girls.... me too! See you next time!
    Have a wonderful time with Jon's family. I hope Lola is doing well...


  11. You are so blessed to have such a wonderful family! I grew up in a broken home, basically just me and my mom. While I think this shaped who I am today, and I am grateful for my mom doing such a great job with so little, I do catch myself yearning for a larger family and siblings to make memories with. Now, I strive to provide a strong, close family life for my own two girls (with another brother or sister on the way!).

  12. Beautiful pictures of beautiful girls! ( and Papa too) Loved them all.

  13. Hola Jenn:

    I think you and your family is awesome and how
    care one of each other definitively is a real blessing. While I view all of your amazing photography feeling the urge of stay more close
    of my own family. My favorite is these where
    "so shy Mimi" caring a baby Lola. I hope your little doing better...

  14. How I miss reading your blog posts and seeing your beautiful pics Jenn :) I've been MIA in the blog world for quite some time and catch some posts here and there :) Your parents home is truly amazing and so impressed with its history :) Praying for Lola and hope all is well with her :) XOXO Prencie

  15. Your pictures are both mesmerizing and touching. You capture the beauty of family time beautifully.



  16. Beautiful photos and what a beautiful family you have. It sounds like you have a very close knit family. That is so wonderful. It looks like a special summer you have been having.

  17. Lola looks just like Jamie!! So glad your family is there to support you and that you were able to make such wonderful memories for the girls!

  18. Wow - as usual stunning images :)

    I cant even imagine growing up in a house with such rich family history - here in Australia our country was only "discovered" by white man in 1788!

  19. My goodness... I'm sure I've said this before (at least thought it), but your pictures are absolutely captivating. Your daughters (and family) are beautiful and your photography really encompasses that beauty. Wow! :o)

    Better Than a Milk Mustache

  20. your photos are magical and a wonderful recap of where you have spent your last seven weeks, lucky girls! i know you miss the hubs, but man...moose mountain is breathtaking! LOVED all of the pictures!

  21. What a blessing that you have such an awesome family. I am so glad that you have such a wonderful support system. God bless each of you!
    Michelle Dann

  22. Love Gone with the Wind and that first picture is stunning!!!! I love all the pictures, but I think my favorite is your dad and Lillie with the binoculars. Such precious memories!

  23. absolutly gorgeous!
    but most of all i just love that you & your sweet girls get to spend time with family. there is nothing more wonderful than the bond with a grandparent!!!
    amy boland

  24. Wow what an amazing house! I would love to see more pictures of the inside and outside of your parents house.

  25. WOW! What an amazing time you all had! I love the collection of pics, they're priceless! I think it's the sweetest that the girls have the same nose, cheeks and lips...simply adorable! What a beautiful family and I just know they're proud of you and yours!
    The best,
    Terrell @ Frou Frou Decor

  26. This first image is stunning...


  27. Your daughters are so beautiful! I always love your photos!!:)

  28. Oh, your photos are so beautiful, Jennifer. Your family sounds so close...I just love that :)

  29. Love all the photos. So glad you were able to spend so much time with all your loved ones! Love your site!

  30. Beautiful! We lived in New London, NH...it works its way into your soul...:)


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