Sunday, December 8, 2013

Christmas Card Photos - Take 2

So I wasn't thrilled with my first attempt at our Christmas Card picture so we tried again. I still didn't get what I was hoping for (I think it's a pretty shot of Lola but Lillie's out of focus a bit) but at this point I am out of time so we are going ahead and using the one above for the front and a couple of the ones below on the back (and then a bunch of pictures from throughout the year inside.)  You can see last year's card here, the year before here and the year before that here.

The photo below was actually my favorite picture of what I was able to get but Lola's headband was slipping off and even though it didn't bother me my significant other was not a fan so it's going on the back.  I like that they are smiling though. Lola saw the picture above and goes, "Oh look mommy, I'm making my mad face!" =) Lillie turned five last week and finally likes having her picture taken, Lola's not that big a fan, however she did sit pretty still for this round. I think it was because we were feeding her chocolate chips in between shots...

This one is going on the back too.

I hope you all have a wonderful week! I FINALLY got our guest room photographed so I will be sharing that as well as our dining room table all set and Lillie and Lola's room all decorated for I just need to finish editing pictures and get them posted.


  1. Oh, Jenni. They are so beautiful! I cannot believe that Lillie is 5 years old. FIVE?? Where has the time gone?

    You are an amazingly blessed woman. I am so glad to know you.

  2. Those are all so cute. Lillie's hair has gotten so long and I just want to squeeze Lola.

  3. They are such pretty little girls. I love all the pictures.

  4. A bunch of cuties they are ~ Great photos

  5. They are adorable. It will be a wonderful Christmas card!

  6. Love, love! Especially the last one!

  7. Your daughters are just as sweet and adorable as can be. I've taken my grand children's photoed past Christmas cards and placed them around a large mirror this year. The kids cannot believe how much they have changed. It's precious.

  8. I love them!!! Going to be a great Christmas card!

  9. Those pictures are very cute and I think they will make great Christmas cards. I hope you and your family have a great holidays!

  10. Wow...these are great photos!! And the girls are so sweet :)
    I'm in LOVE with their dresses.. Can I ask you where they're from? I think it would fit so well to my little princess too! Thanks. Caroline, from Canada

    1. Thank you! They are my favorite dresses! My mom got them for the girls last year from the Gap. I am so glad they still fit this year too!

  11. I didn't think anything could be more beautiful than your home, but I was wrong! Your daughters are! Such a beautiful blessing they must be!

  12. YOUR daughters are just beautiful . I loved all of them. I love the one your putting on the back. SO precious. I even like the crooked head band one. SO Sweet. Blessings to you and your beautiful family this season

  13. Precious! I adore how you can see Lola's sweet little fingers peeking out from around Lillie's neck. True best friends... Brings tears to my eyes. I wish I had a sister.

  14. They are so lovely!

    What brand are their boots? My three year old son would love them.

    1. Thank you! I get their boots from They are a little pricey but very well made. Lillie's pretty rough on her shoes and we seldom are able to pass them on down to Lola except for her cowboy boots - even though she wears them regularly they still look just about brand new by the time they are passed to Lola. Both girls love wearing them - Lillie's on her fourth or fifth pair.

  15. Oh my gosh, they are all so cute, but the last photo is to die for! How totally cute is that! and i really like the black and white with Lola putting her hand on Lillies heart... wow


  16. Those photos are wonderful! Jennifer, your girls are so beautiful, just like their Mama! They have the cutest expressions. So hard to choose a favorite photo. Each one is perfect! You always dress them in the cutest clothes.

  17. Your family is absolutely beautiful!! Can you do a tutorial on how you make your Christmas cards? Do you go through a website or do you create it on photoshop? Thank you! :-)

    1. Thank you! I design it in photoshop. It takes quite a while and I'm not sure I could properly do a tutorial on it. I do use elements from different things I've purchased and downloaded from Paint the Moon and Crave Photography like the the frames.

  18. Beautiful little darlings, Jenni! In the last picture, Lillie reminds me so much of when you were little! Can't wait to see all the pictures on the cards!
