Monday, July 21, 2014

Cinnamon Oatmeal and Yogurt Pancakes

A couple of months ago I shared one of my favorite recipes that I found on Pinterest (you can find that here) and thought it was time to share another one. This one was actually found by my cousin, Anne. She had pinned this recipe and was so sweet and made us a delicious batch of these Cinnamon Oatmeal and Yogurt Pancakes. They were absolutely delicious. Lillie and Lola inhaled them! You can find the recipe for these fabulous pancakes here.

Thanks so much, Anne! I hope you all have a fabulous week.


  1. These look so yummy! And your styling... as usual.. amazing!

  2. These look delicious! Thanks for sharing! ;-)

  3. danke für das leckere rezept und die schönen bilder dazu, alles liebe von angie aus deutschland

  4. These sound and look delicious! I often like breakfast for dinner and will make these this week. It's been a long time since I've had pancakes!

  5. Hey there! I'm so happy you loved the recipe and I am so flattered you linked to my page! Your photos are just gorgeous and make me want to make these again in the morning! Thank you, again, and happy cooking! :)
