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Friday, September 9, 2016

The Gazebo at Bluestone Hill

As if there weren't enough scenic spots around Bluestone Hill, Uncle Bob had to go and add a gazebo. :) Although we haven't had a lot of picnics out there yet (mostly because I'm lazy and don't like to carry Lucie's booster seat out from the house), Everly loves it when we do!

The gazebo was home to a proposal - in fact, not one but two of the grand-nieces got engaged here! My sister's husband proposed in Uncle Bob's backyard in 2006 and my cousin's husband proposed by the gazebo in 2014. I think this set-up would have made for such a romantic, memorable proposal, but no one on the brink of engagement was around at the time. However, I could throw it together again if anyone in the family so desired...

I feel like I should admit that no fancy dinner for two was served here...just two sandwiches from the market, and a side salad...and a glass of wine that took me several hours to finish. I believed I mentioned my propensity for appreciating things (I.e. dragging things out) in a recent post. But I could probably drum up something fancy if anyone wants to keep the tradition alive...

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Source List:
Glasses - Home Goods
Chargers - IKEA
Knit blanket - Made by my great aunt
Everything else - Existing

Have a great day! - Jamie


  1. What a dreamy gazebo. Beautiful!

  2. I love that you keep it real here! I'm with you on the booster and keep a plastic yard sale one in my screen porch at all times for our granddaughter. It is easier to carry out a cloth to give it a wipe down than taking it out and strapping it down every time.

  3. OMG! Beautiful. I love love to just hang out and eat my breakfast there as I catch up on emails. Stunning and looks so peaceful.

    Mel |


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