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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Our New Ivory Knit Hat and a WINNER!!!!

I am a bit late on this one. I know I said I would announce the winner on Wednesday and somehow it is past midnight so technically it is Thursday but I am just now getting on my computer. Sorry about that! It has been a very long week so far and I am behind on just about everything. I have so many posts I want to do: Lillie's Room, Fall Decorating, Screenprinted Shirts, etc. but there never seems to be enough time in the day to get to them. I generally only work when Lillie is napping or in bed for the night but this week she hasn't wanted to nap or sleep due to a pretty bad head cold so that has made it rather difficult to get anything done. At first I thought it was just her teeth bothering her, but then yesterday she woke up with her nose dripping like a faucet and a fever which climbed pretty high by the end of the day. Then I woke up this morning with my throat on fire and my head killing me and realized no wonder the poor thing hadn't been sleeping all week! So, with that on top of this awful morning sickness and with Jon back out on the road recruiting it has been a rather long week and I am terribly behind on everything. Fortunately I gave Lillie a nice dose of medicine and she is finally sleeping soundly so I am going to try to get a little bit of work done and then crawl in bed earlier than usual. I deactivated all of the rosette shirts and dresses on our Etsy site but as soon as I am feeling better will put them back up. If you have placed an order already, don't worry! I am still on track to have everything mailed out on schedule, I just don't want to take on any new orders until I am feeling better. Plus I am getting my last batch of screenprinted items back tomorrow and want to get them photographed and edited so that I can list them on Saturday (or maybe even Friday).

Last week Lillie and I had lots of fun scavenging through all of the antique shops and consignment stores looking for a big girl bed for her. I have a bunch of beds I am in LOVE with, but of course, they are all around $1000 and I am looking for something around $100 (or even less if I can find something cheaper!) At first we didn't have much luck. We found lots of cool things, but not what we were looking for so we kept leaving empty handed. In one of the antique shops we found an adorable black baby carriage. I got so excited when I saw it thinking Lillie would love to play with  it and what a fun prop it would be for me =). Then I saw the price tag. I think it was like $238 or something - yikes! I quickly dragged her away from it before she did any damage to it. Haha. A few days later we were in another antique shop and I found a similar one and it was $30! To be honest, I might have thought that was a bit steep a few days earlier but after seeing the price on the first one, this one seemed like a steal! Lillie pushed it around the store the whole time we were there and I couldn't resist getting it even though I had been given strict instructions to not buy anything but a bed - whoops! Fortunately at the end of last week we stopped in the last store I could think of that might have a bed for Lillie. It is a little consignment shop called Chikadees and in the back clearance room there was a darling full size bed! We dragged Jon back in on Sunday to check it out and even though it needs a good bit of work I think we are going to head back there on Friday when Jon gets back in town and pick it up! I am so excited!

Anyway, I hope to have pictures of that this weekend or at least by the beginning of next week, and maybe I will have time to do the screenprinting pictures tomorrow and the fall stuff this weekend. In the meantime here are some photos of Lillie in her ivory knit hat that we will have for sale on Friday in our Etsy shop. It will be available in both a child's size and and adult's size. I love this one so much that I am going to have Dana make me one to match! I showed you all pictures of the navy hat in the last post and am hoping to take some pictures of the gray one soon.

This little photo shoot did not go as planned. I didn't get any pictures that I was happy with. I wanted to take pictures of this hat and her two new "Mimi" skirts paired with an adorable cream sweater that has a little ruffle around the waist and sleeves but it was about 95 degrees out when we took these so I felt like it was bad enough making her wear the hat and it would be down-right cruel to put the sweater on her. I also had such high hopes of getting great shots of Lillie pushing the carriage through Colonial Williamsburg but instead most of the pictures were of Lillie's bum-bum seeing how she spent most of the time bent over feeding the "fishies" and turtles and trying to climb in the pond. Her poor doll made it into the pond twice - fortunately we discovered she floats! Anyway, here are the ones that at least aren't of her bottom:

And now, for the winner of the Mini-GiveAway: MommyBug!

Please e-mail us with your address and which design and size you want! Our e-mail address is

Also, don't forget when you enter our giveaways if you have a blocked blogger profile or do not list your e-mail address on your blogger profile you need to include your e-mail address so we can contact you. The first number that drew for us was for someone who had a blocked profile and didn't leave their e-mail address so I just redrew.

Also, if you are looking to enter another Dear Lillie Giveaway
head on over to The Penny Candy Blog
where Jamie is giving away this clutch!!!!!!
Well, I think I hear my poor little muffin-cakes so I had best be going!
I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!


  1. Ok, the baby carriage is TOTAL worth $30!! DARLING! And your pictures are beautiful and Lillie is such a little charmer and so beautiful herself!

    I can't wait to see pics of the bed. My bed at my parents is a beautiful crusty green antique iron bed that I found in an antique shop when I was in college. The only bummer about it is its a full and SOOO Miserable to sleep on when Brandon and I are there together, especially since now we usually have Jake in there too! Anyway, someday I hope to give it to Evy. They are so charming!

    I hope you feel better!! xoxo

  2. Lillie is so gorgeous!!! These pictures are fantastic Jenni! That baby carriage-ok, now I want one. She is so sweet with her baby doll too.

    Hope you both feel better soon. Lanie bug is still very sick. I thought she was getting better, and last night she seemed worse than she had been all weekend.

    That clutch is so beautiful- LOVE it!!
    Hugs to you!! xo

  3. She is just the cutest little thing I've ever seen, I just wanna squeeze those cheeks and the pictures with the carriage are priceless (;

  4. Oh my goodness, Jen! That last picture. I just went to squish her little face and give her a smooch! Too cute! I love the hat. Maybe we should do a trade... the only thing is it would be a prop only. {No need for hats here--ever.} So nice to read I'm not the only one that has photo shoots go awry!

  5. I forgot to add, the George Washington shoes {as Robert and I called them} look totally cute on her! I almost didn't send them b/c I thought they were too literal vintage, but they look so cute! Now you've got me thinking that I should do the same design in a dark leather or velvet...

  6. wow, those photos of Lillie are GORGEOUS!! I really love the hat on her, too. I wonder if Addison would keep it on...hmmm.

  7. It's so funny I'm always on Facebook and so when I go to read other peoples posts I look for the "like" button when they say something that i like or agree on here in blog world!:) ha ha! I totally agree about the $30 steal!!! OMGOSH!! So jealous right now!!! Even my husbands like "where did she get that?!!?" :) He knows a good thing when he sees it! Ok, I am going to go to Williamsburg and your gonna have to show me where all of these fabulous antique shops are!!:) We don't have many here in VA Beach.
    I totally agree with Jessica too! I just wanna sqeeze Lillians cheeks and kiss her all over!!!:) Can't wait for the hats to debut!:) LOVE them!!:) will you be selling them plain?

  8. I just absolutely love your pictures! One of my very first memories as a little girl is carrying my bitty baby doll around the house, around the block on a stroller, and pretending I was her mommy. Your daughter looks so precious. I only have a little boy (so far), and I've been playing with lots of cars and tractors... it's so fun, though!

  9. I just adore these photos! Lillie is such a beautiful little girl...and I also would love to give those adorable little cheeks a great big smooch!!! She reminds me so much of my Morgan when she was that age--so sweet!Precious pics w/ dolly too........

    The hat is amazing and I am looking forward to some cooler weather here in Baton Rouge so I can buy one for Morgan.....she certainly would look cute in it!

    Hope you and Lillie are feeling better soon!

    Baton Rouge, LA

  10. Love these pics of Lillie, she looks so adorable in that hat. I think my fav picture is the last one, how do you say no to that face? :)

    Sorry you and Lillie have been sick. Jude has all her same symptoms. I truly thought it was just all due to his molar coming in until his nose turned into a faucet. I hope you all feel better soon.

    Love the carriage and I am so excited to see the bed you found her.

  11. LOVE these new pictures! Can't wait to see her again and munch on those cheeks!

  12. LOVE the pics! The last one is my fav....... I am sooo jealous over the stroller. I have been looking for one too!!! Girl get some rest we are all sick out here too with what sounds like the same thing! Hugs Jenn

  13. The baby carriage is adorable! I wish they were easier to find for bigger babies here. :)

  14. Yeah, let Lillie play on a bridge by herself... smart haha. But it does make for a nice background pic for my computer haha

  15. Lillie is just about the cutest little girl I've ever seen! I love these photos. Who takes them and can you do a post about how to make our photos look as good as yours?? Hummm???

    Warmly, Michelle

  16. Oh that last photo is so adorable! Love the hat... You can always tell the difference between handmade and those cheap machine made hats. Hope you are feelinf better soon.

  17. As mom's we can be so hard on ourselves when we have the "perfect" shot ideas in our head. but as a reader I think these shots are absolutely adorable and if I had a little one I would be ordering one of those hats AND a tutu!

    I do hope you're feeling better! what a week!

  18. Just found you through Tatertots & Jello. Your boutique and your photography are both gorgeous. And your little girl is beautiful... Can't wait to look around more! :)

  19. I just found your blog through Tatertots and Jello and I just have to say that yours in the most beautiful blog I have ever seen! Your photography is amazing! I love your style- the things you make for your shop and your home decor. You are amazingly talented and creative!

  20. Visiting from tatertots and jello and just had to follow you! I love your photography style and products

  21. Your photos are absolutely amazing! Wow! I came over from T&J!

  22. Your Lilly is one of the most beautiful children I've ever seen.. What a sweetie! And, so photogenic too..

    Warm blessings,

  23. I'm visiting from Tatertots & Jello, I'm happy that I discovered your blog! I'm your new follower!

  24. Dying to know where her darling shoes are from. So glad to discover this blog/store. Thanks Tatertots and Jello.

  25. love all of your things!

  26. I found you through Tatertots & Jello, and I'm so glad I did! Not only do I want/need one of everything, I would also like 2 of your little model!! Those cheeks and lips are so sweet! :)

  27. Just wanted to stop by here and tell you that I love your shop and products. They are beautiful!!! My daughter is just a few months older than Lillie and I just fell in love with all the lovely pics of her! Keep up the great creative work. I will be making my first purchase shortly. Thanks for all the great inspiration too!

  28. Thanks everyone! Her darling little shoes are a custom pair by Joyfolie (

  29. I'm here from Tattertots and Jello, and I have to say, your photography is gorgeous!

  30. Coming here from Tater Tots & Jello...your little Lillian is so adorable!!

  31. found you thanks to tatertots and jello. Your little girl is gorgeous!

  32. Wow! your little one is just stunning! I'm here from Tatertots and Jello.

  33. Love this Hat! Are you going to sell any in your Esty shop?

  34. Thanks everyone!

    And yes, the hat is available in our Etsy shop!

  35. Found your blog on tater tots and jello. The photos of your little girl are so beautiful - and so is she :)

  36. Would love to see that skirt go up to a size 8 - so cute!!! Will definitely need a hat to go with it...

  37. I don'th think your kid could get any cuter! Or your blog!


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