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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Amazing Grace

We finally have the Amazing Grace chalkboard prints available in our shop! I actually drew this one back when we were still at our old house but thanks to all the craziness of moving and then traveling we just finally got them ready for sale.  As usual we have them available in the 8 by 10 size print:

And the 24 by 36 download

I've started working on some autumn chalk art so that's what we will have available next! I've got one all sketched out that I am excited to hopefully have available in the next couple of weeks.


  1. Beautiful as always! I'm still hoping for a horizontally oriented one ;)) I have the perfect frame for it, but it wouldn't look right hung vertically (not sure if this is making any sense lol)

    1. You'll be happy to know the Thanksgiving one I am working on right now is horizontal! =)

  2. That's beautiful! Can't wait to see the autumn chalks. :)

  3. Do you freehand these? I love this one. You are very talented.

  4. Hola gusta mucho pasar a ver tu blog ,es gustan mucho las fotografias de tu hogar ...
    Muchos cariños desde Chile.

  5. I love your Amazing Grace artwork. Beautiful! Grace is an everyday presence in my life, for sure!

    I just found your blog through A Country Farmhouse and glad I did.

    I've added your blog to my blog list and was wondering if you'd consider adding mine to yours?

    Thanks and have a great night!


  6. I absolutely love this! your work is beautiful! I would love to have this hanging over my desk!

  7. Jennifer,
    Simply gorgeous as usual! :). Please tell me where you got your vase/plant holder? I love them & can't seem to find any like them. Kim

    1. Thank you!!! Your Mother's home is so beautiful! You guys are such Inspiration! Thank you again! I'm buying the plant holders & curtains from Ikea this week!!! Kim

  8. I love this!! You are so creative.

  9. Oh now that is going to be a big time winner, Jenn- looks GREAT!

  10. Oh my goodness! I love all of them but this is so fun to have around during this time of the year. I would love to put this in a nursery with and antique airplane theme.


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