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Monday, July 30, 2012

The Tree Swing and Photography Questions

One of the things I think I will miss the most about Moose Mountain (what we started off jokingly calling my parents house years ago and it stuck) will be this tree swing. It has always been a favorite spot of ours and was even where Josh proposed to Jamie several years ago!  Fortunately we have lots and lots of photos of the tree swing, including Jamie and Josh's engagment shots and some of Jamie on her wedding day with us bridesmaids. I wanted to take one final set of photos here before my parents moved and was excited that this year Lillie was actually able to swing on it all by herself! 

Let me apologize in advance for the VERY picture heavy post! =) 
If you have any photography questions just scroll to the bottom!

Okay, enough pictures, Mom!

And what was Lola doing all this time? Just filling her stroller with rocks and dirt!

I took all of these using my new camera. My next post is going to be a Q and A type photography one based on the questions we regularly get asked in e-mails. If you have any photography related questions feel free to ask them in the comment section of this post. I may not directly answer them in the comment section (although I normally do) but will try my best to answer them all in the next post as best I can.


  1. I wan't to get a new camera ... one that takes more professional ones than the ones on my blog. What camera would you suggest. One that is easy to use and some what affordable. If you have any suggestions .. I would really appreciate it.
    many Thanks, Francine

  2. Not a camera question, but I was wondering where Lillie's dress was's beautiful!!!


    1. Thanks! She was a flower girl this spring and this was the dress she wore. It's from Chasing Fireflies.

  3. Those photos were beautiful! I was wondering how you get your white backgrounds in your dessert photos?

  4. These photos will just get sweeter and sweeter as time goes on! BEAUTIFUL!

  5. What are your go to lens? How many do you have?

  6. What beautiful pictures. It must be bitter sweet to have been on that swing one more time, but now you will have many pictures full of memories to remind you and your family of it.
    I would LOVE to know if you keep your lens on auto or manual? I keep mine on manual, but for some reason, most of my pictures turn out blurry, it might have to do with the fact that I don't have perfect vision ;)

  7. Why can't you take the swing with you? I've been looking for one for our backyard, and they are surprisingly expensive!

    I have a bunch of questions for you!

    I'd love to have you share what are some typical things you do with your pictures, as in, do you always run a certain action?

    What are some of your favorite go-to actions?

    Do you always shoot in raw?

    What is your favorite setting to use in your camera?

    What is your favorite lens to shoot with?

    Any tips for capturing the sun flares in some of your shots?

    1. I am working on answering your photography questions in my next post but will answer the swing one on here. I guess I should have been more specific. It's not the swing itself - my dad made that one and I am sure will make a new one for their new home. It's the spot and setting that hold so many memories.

  8. Oh my gosh she is adorable. And the tree swing is incredible, I can see why this would be a cherished place.

  9. Mmmmm - love them I think the 3rd is my favorite of the tree shots!

  10. My questions aren't photography related - I've been DYING to decorate for fall and want to know when we get a sneak peek at the goodies you mentioned!!!

    1. Hey Kris! We should have some give thanks pillows for sale at the end of this week. Then Monday we will have a new pillow ready as long as I can get it photographed later this week. It isn't a strictly fall one though. It's more of a year round one. And then we have a few other new colorways of some pillows that will be available soon. It will probably be late August, though before we start having some of the new fall and winter items. We have some of the original designs done but now we have to start making them in large quantities to list in our shop which always seems to take longer than we think! =)

      I hope you are doing well!

    2. Thanks! I know I'm the only nutter wanting to decorate for fall in July. I went to 3 places today in search of a white faux pumpkin, and actually caught myself being surprised when no one had any! Once the girls start school (in 3 weeks - gasp!) I get slammed with work and don't have as much time to play with decorating my house. Yeah. That's it. That's the real reason I'm looking to fall now. I'm not really a nutter!

  11. Could that scene be anymore beautiful!!! I am so drawn to the photos of Lilly on the tree swing, that massive tree is gorgeous. And, she couldn't look any sweeter in that dress :)

  12. I understand the feeling of a special spot at a childhood home. My parents lived on a farm for most of my younger years and I have so many memories of it...sometimes wish there had been more pictures taken of it! The strawberry patch where we snuck some snacks, the pond where my brother fell in, and the cornfields we played in every day it seemed like. There are many more too! I do have 2 questions for you. 1) Would you recommend taking a photography class to learn more or read tutorials and teach myself? 2)If you don't mind me asking, what camera did you use to take the above photos with?
    Thank you!

    1. Sounds like you have some beautiful memories! I will answer your first question in the next post but as for question two I used a Nikon D700.

  13. I would love to know what kind of lenses you have. And why did you choose the lenses you did? I'm looking into a macro lens, but there are so many to choose from, I don't even know where to start! Also, what are some of your go-to camera settings?

  14. your photography is just beautiful. It's also nice when you have precious subjects to shoot too. : )
    Do you use a tripod when you take all those candid type shots? Did you change your camera settings for each photo? Do you photoshop your pictures?
    Sorry for so many questions. I really love coming to your blog and mainly its because you have a great eye for photography and decorating. It's all eye candy to me. I am still learning with my digital camera

  15. Gorgeous pictures and they are a great reminder as to why I'm growing out my daughter's hair!

    What is your favorite lens to use?
    Are the type of photographer who strategically clicks or do you have you camera set so when you press the button it just continually takes pictures until you let go of the button? (I know I lack technical terms...i'm still learning my Canon Rebel t2i)

  16. All i can say is, What a wonderful old swing... i'm so glad you had a chance to photograph Lillie on it...


  17. Love every photo you take!! Your are so gifted! I have the same camera as you and was wondering what your go to manual settings are? I'm having a hard time adjusting my settings so that the photo isn't "grainy" so I just end up using "auto" I also can't seem
    To figure out how to get the fstop lower than f4 can your nikon d3000 go lower than f4?

    Thank you!!!

  18. Girl, you should never apologize for including lots of pictures! I love looking at every one--it's a gift to see how you use your gift!! And to see the glimpses into your life. I know you treasured your time in NH!

  19. Love your blog & photography. My question: how do you recommend learning Photoshop? My computer has Photoshop Elements 9 built in. Do you recommend the tutorials? The library has lots of books about it, but they all have different approaches. I'd rather take a class, but can't find any in my area. Any tips would be appreciated!

  20. The photographs are beautiful!! My problem is getting the right lighting. Just when I think I know what setting works its just crap :) any tips on natural light?

    Thanks a bunch!

  21. Congratulations on this wonderful blog and for these photo with his daughter, is a beauty. His photographs are spectacular, you have a new camera? What brand is it? I want to buy one and not know which one. Bss Maria from Spain.

  22. My question is: How do you keep the baby in focus while the swing and baby are swinging? Thank you in advance for the photo advice! Can't wait for the post. xoxo Heather

  23. These were taken at my parent's old home in New England.


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