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Saturday, January 21, 2017

Our Laundry Room Makeover

I am excited to show you our newly updated laundry room! I am especially excited about the new tile floor from our sponsor, Joss and Main. I have been a huge fan of this tile for a while now but was a little nervous to pull the trigger, but now am so glad that I did. I love the impact it has in here and love walking by this room every day (it would be a bit of a stretch to say I love doing laundry - ha!) 

I have looked through my before shots over and over and can't find any of the laundry room. I was sure I took at least one so if I finally find it I'll add it to this post. Basically it was the original linoleum floors that once were white but had faded to kind of a creamy brown color, the original dark trim and brownish beige walls. The first thing we did was have the old floor ripped out and the new tile installed and the cabinets moved higher up on the wall (they were very oddly placed quite low). After that I got to work painting. I painted the walls, trim, windows and cabinets. Then we had the counter built and I stained and painted it (all paint and stain color info can be found in the source list). 

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Once that was all done it was time for the fun part - adding in the finishing touches. I hung some pictures that we had used on our gallery wall in our last house and some baskets and jars we also already had. And then I added a shade from Lowe's to the window to add a little warmth.

There's an older sink over on this side. I love having a sink in here! I'd like to eventually update it with a newer one but for now it's just nice having a sink in our laundry room (especially for soaking flowers and seeded eucalyptus when I get home from Trader Joe's - ha!) ! We hung our ironing board above it so it's nice and easy to grab (the iron is in the cabinets) and then hung a couple more pictures from our old gallery wall.

You can see out into the hallway where we added some beadboard wallpaper and hung one of our signs.

I still need to change out the light fixture in here and the hallway so will share some more pictures once I do that (the ones I am planning on ordering are on back order) but it's nice to have a space feel almost finished!

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Source List:

Wall Color - Simply White by Benjamin Moore in Eggshell
White Trim Color - Simply White by Benjamin Moore in Semi-Gloss
Cabinet Color - Wrought Iron by Benjamin Moore in Semi-Gloss
Window Trim Color - Wrought Iron by Benjamin Moore in Semi-Gloss
Doors - Mopboard Black by Benjamin Moore In Semi-Gloss
Basket on Floor in Corner - HomeGoods
Towels - HomeGoods
Frames - IKEA
Ironing Board - have had for years and years recovered with fabric I got from a shower curtain from Homegoods a year or two ago
Growth Chart - we made it years ago
Counter - Top is stained with minwax Provincial and side is painted with same Wrought Iron as the Cabinets

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Tile was provided by Joss and Main in exchange for this post. I chose the tile and all thoughts and opinions are 100% my own. Affiliate links are used in this post at no extra cost to you. 



  1. Jennifer, I think you have pushed me over the edge to redo our laundry room. We just finished creating an office for me so I might have to wait a few weeks, but you've inspired me to actually do it. It's so well done you might learn to love laundry.

  2. This could be my new favorite laundry room! SO gorgeous and that floor!! What a beautiful job you did in there!

  3. I love this look. Clean, crisp understated elegance. The color scheme is classic! This will be inspiration for my own laundry room reno. Love.

  4. Can we talk wallpaper...And young families? I noticed your hall paper before getting that far in the text. I put the same paper in our foyer a year ago, above a chair rail (because it was paneling below). I *want* to do the same in the hall so the hall can have interest and be white. But, I'm scared! 😂😂 Our boys are 2 no, 2, and 4. They run their hands and their cars along the wall. I put up the chair rail and then stalled. I remember you had it under a rail in your last house. How'd it hold up? Ours would be Simply White in semigloss. I seriously haven't decorated our foyer yet because I am afraid to commit to a nail whole in the paper. 😝 I guess that's the price I pay for painstaking diy with kids in tow. ((Meanwhile swooning over your laundry room when what I clicked over here to do today was look back -agaaaaain- at your old linen closet. Be still my heart. 😍)

    1. Thank you for the kind words, Katie! Jenni's beadboard wallpaper held up great in their previous home, so they will definitely be using it again this time around. That being said it is much "softer" than real beadboard so with young boys she might be a little nervous to do it in a high traffic area.


  5. How did you do the countertop enclosure around washer and dryer? Thank you

  6. How did you do the countertop enclosure around washer and dryer? Thank you

  7. What a beautiful room! Love the tile and had no idea Joss&Main carried it. Will be on the look out for sure! I also love how you all warmed up the space with photographs. Can you elaborate on what y'all use to hang IKEA frames? We love the crisp look of the white frames but struggle with how to hang them. Did you use hooks? Attach specific hardware to the back? Any help is welcome!! Love your blog!

    1. Hi, Ang! Jenni just hung the photographs using the hangers that came with the frames.


  8. Oh, I love it! And, I like doing the laundry. I find it centering for me. It would be a real delight to launder in a room like this!

  9. LOVE.. OK that is it... I am painting my cabinets a dark color. Just wondering how much I will have to dust them? The floor...beautiful.

    1. Thanks, Lori! Jenni cleans hers the same amount as her other cabinets--an occasional dusting here or there.


  10. Love this! We're about to do some reno work on our bathroom, and I've been thinking about going with white walls and dark window frame. Love to see this - and that tile is fabulous!

  11. Wonderful redo! Curious though, what is on the other wall (across the washer and dryer)? I didn't see any pictures of that side.

    1. Thanks, Laura! The other side is just a blank white wall for now. Once Jenni has a chance to decorate it she'll be sure to share some pictures!


  12. I have almost the same tile in the kitchen of my renovation (from the 1600s in the south of France!). Our tiles are red, gray/taupe/black/creme...but the same design. From a Spanish company. Must be classic.
    Great to see more front-load washers. Standard in Europe. I interviewed the head of a big consumer-products company, and he said front-load was better for clothes than top-load. They get cleaner, with less wear.

  13. Wow! I absolutely love that tile! I've been eyeing a similar pattern for our bathroom makeover but I might actually like this one better! An absolute fantastic job! It looks so rustic and beautiful!

    -Megan Lacey from Adventure & Home

  14. Beautiful space! Can you tell me, do you use water based or oil based BM paint on your cabinets? Thank you!

    1. Thank you, Gail! In this house Jenni has just used their Ben line and Regal Select (I don't believe her or I have ever used their oil paint).


  15. Lovely and inspiring! I love the counter. What kind of wood was used and where was it purchased? Thanks!


    1. Thank you, Mary! Jenni just used regular inexpensive plywood from Lowe's.


  16. Beautiful!! I am so confused about how to work around our w/d hookup--I am thinking we might make sort of a false-front backsplash that can be removed if we need to access the water shut-off. How did you do yours?

  17. Very cleverly solved laundry facilities, spacious and functional.

  18. Absolutely love it! Is the door in the hallway also BM Wrought Iron?

    1. Hi! All of the black doors in Jenni's home are Mopboard Black by BM.


  19. I absolutely LOVE your floor tiles!

  20. I love the dark cabinets! How much of a wood grain did they have before paint? I'd love to do something similar to our oak cabinets but worry about grain...

    1. Thank you! Jenni's cabinets weren't very grainy, so it wasn't something she really had to worry about.


  21. What a gorgeous room!!! My laundry room is in dire need of an update. Hopefully, I'll get up the nerve to tackle it one day. Love yours!!

  22. What color of grout did you use with that tile? Looks amazing!

    1. Thank you! Just basic white. Have a great week!

  23. Hi! Do you think very dark grey wall color will look good with this tile? We are remodeling our powder room and bought the same tile but now I am afraid the original plan with Benjiamin Moor nightfall wall color will be too dark. There are no windows in that room and the sink vanity and the toilet bowl will be white.
    Thank you!

    1. Hi! Its hard to know without seeing it, but we think it sounds pretty!


  24. Hi, could you correct the link to the tile? It's not working, and I LOVE it!!!!

    1. Thanks, Laura! And sorry for the trouble! Unfortunately there is an issue with the image links that we are unable to address until Joss & Main fixes the problem, but the good news is we were able to switch the text links to Wayfair so any of those should be working properly. The one in the source list at the end of the post will take you to the tiles.

      Hope this helps!


  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Can you tell me about the cabinet surrounding the washer and dryer? What type of wood is on the top? Did yo make that or purchase it? It is fabulous!!! thanks!

    1. Hi! Jenni had it built using regular inexpensive plywood from Lowe's, and then it was trimmed out.


  27. OK, I have a total crush on your laundry room! Weird? Ha ha. I love the tiles and the cabinets. It looks so fresh and clean.

  28. Lovely! What is the size of your laundry room?

  29. Curious about what type of wood you used. Is it one piece and how thick is it? Looks thicker than 3/4 inch.

  30. Do you remember the brand of grout and color you used? Have same tile but having a hard time finding the right white.

    1. Hi! Jenni didn't remember the brand, but it was just a basic white grout.


  31. Did you use 2 pieces of plywood to get that thickness? Looks thicker than 3/4 inch. THanks.

    1. Hi, Brooke! Jenni just trimmed out the sides to make it appear thicker.


  32. Was the plywood a lighter wood before staining or was it oak plywood? I am trying that stain and it appears darker than your countertop.

    1. Hi, Brooke! Jenni just started with basic unstained plywood. I checked wit her and she has no idea what type of wood she purchased (my guess would be maple, although that really is just a guess).


  33. Love that floor combined with the white of the machines and the dark blue of the cabinets above. Lovely!


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