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Friday, January 13, 2012

A Few New Things in the Kitchen

I had planned on doing a tutorial but I didn't have time to get it written up last night so instead I figured I would just share a few pictures of some things we have added to our kitchen. I have been pulling some all-nighters this week and it looks like I have a few more ahead of me before things settle back down towards the middle of next week. I am so excited for the shoot but also a little overwhelmed trying to get everything ready. Of course, it hasn't helped that neither of the girls have been sleeping well and that Jon will have been gone 6 out of 9 days. Oh well, hopefully I will have time to sleep soon! 

The buckets and wire basket are from IKEA and the basket is from Target.
Tomorrow I will be headed out to some nearby woods to cut down some fresh everygreen to fill the buckets up with.

I also got this for the powder room too! We never had anywhere to store extra toilet paper and it always drove me crazy so I love having this in there now. 
(There is no natural light in here so sorry for the blurry photo).

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Jennifer I love those little hang thingies from Ikea! They are so cute and perfect for alot of things!

  3. I cannot even begin to tell you how much I love this idea...need to steal this one for sure...thanks for the inspiration...I've got similar baskets from IKEA waiting to be used....Mariaelena

  4. Such a great idea, they look so beautiful! Love how you styled them!

  5. It's a beautiful display but what is the purpose of the basket for...what are you storing in it? Do you mind letting us know how much the wire basket at IKEA costs?

    1. I emptied one of our cabinets filled with brownie, muffin, and bread pans and put it all in the basket. This freed up a whole cabinet, and I was able to organize Lillie's coloring books, crayons, and notepads with all the extra space. We have very little storage space in this house (one small closet downstairs and one linen closet upstairs and no basement or attic) so we love finding uses for baskets dressers, armoires, etc.

      The baskets came in a pack of two and I think they were maybe $12.99 or possibly $14.99? Honestly I can't remember. If I find my receipt I will let you know.

  6. Such great ideas..Good Luck with your photo shoot and have a great weekend..

  7. Hi Jennifer! You always come up with the most lovely ideas. I can't tell you how much I love this. My kitchen is new and I'm SOO scared of drilling anything into the cabinets. How did you mount these? I have a great bulletin board that I transformed to hang a calendar on the end of the fridge, but I'm to scared to drill into the cabinet. I'm trying to find a less permanent alternative.

    1. Thanks! I just drilled two small screws directly into the cabinets. That kind of stuff doesn't really phase me, but I think my husband would have died if he knew what I was doing :)

  8. It's darling. I just purchased a vintage shop keeper's basket in the same chape, but missing a handle. It's for my linen closet, extra wash cloths etc. I love it with the Buckets and agree, Evergreens will be lovely.

  9. Jennifer I love this...are the rod and hooks from IKEA as well? Good luck with your shoot. Even though it's a bit overwhelming it's got to be equally as exciting!

  10. I love all of your ideas. Everything looks so beautiful. Have we ever had a tour of your powder room? I would love to see it as I am looking for ideas for mine.

    1. Thanks so much! No, I don't think I have shown any pictures before. I don't have the type of lens needed to get shots of that room, but if I ever splurge and get a wide-angle lens I will probably put some up.

    2. You are far too hard on yourself with photography. Even snapshots would be much appreciated by much of your followers I am sure:)

  11. Great stuff, Jen!
    I love your stylish new TP holder!


  12. Great use of that end space. I always loved those white hanging pot from Ikea but haven't figured a way to use them. This is perfect.

  13. Love this idea! Just a suggestion, but I personally cook a lot with herbs such as parsley and basil etc. It would be a cool idea to plant herbs to grow in your kitchen, in the little pails!

  14. I love the gray check rug you can see in the background. Where is it from? I NEED one for my kitchen :)

    1. Thanks! I got it at IKEA. I think it is being discontinued though, so I would definitely call ahead.

  15. looks great and such a nice way to put something special in an awkward space to decorate (the end of a cabinet). I'm going to have to check out my Ikea now =)

  16. Sleep is for suckers!... and people without little kids. :) It all looks wonderful, and I love the punch of life that the orange and green bring inside. Nice work!

  17. so cute. Best wishes for your soot. I am sure it will be lovely:)

  18. You are a woman on a mission! I don't know how you do it, I really don't.

    I sure wish we had IKEA around here. Maybe on day it will come to NH. Everything looks great!

  19. Cute idea! Wow, don't you just love baskets? So many uses and now so pretty!!

  20. I saw those at Ikea. I have not been able to stop thinking about them Maybe this is my sign to go grab them. They look great!


  21. Love it!!! Are the hooks and the rod from IKEA as well??

  22. I love how the dark colors of the wire basket and rod stand out against all the white, and the greenery looks wonderful too. I need to spend more time at Ikea next time, I have seen some really neat things on blogs that have been bought at Ikea, yours included.

  23. Very pretty! Hope Lillie continues to feel better!

    1. Thanks, Lorraine! I got it at IKEA. I think it is being discontinued though, so I would definitely call ahead.

  24. Looks fantastic as always!! Love the checked rug, do you mind sharing where you purchased it?

  25. That really looks beautiful, Jennifer. I am excited for your photo shoot! I know you've been working around the clock preparing. Take care and I hope you are able to get in a little R&R this weekend!

  26. Look forward to your pictures and ideas. Thank you for taking the time to share them with all of us.
    Where did you purchase the rod & hooks from?

  27. Jennifer,
    Thanks for those inspiration pics! I bought that same basket and rod (plus the silver can) from IKEA and had planned on using it in our kitchen remodel, but I just couldn't find a place for it.
    But I could definitely use it in the bathroom! Thanks! :)

  28. Jennifer,
    I the new wire baskets and pots with greenery.....You are sooo gifted in sooo many ways and I love looking at your blog.
    I just wish we had an ikea store or were even close to one...... There is sooo many things and these would be added to my list IF we had a store. ...and you can't oder these on line so.....the closest one to me would be North carolina and thats about a 8 hour drive. So....Thanks for the great idea and for sharing....keep up the good work!! You are BLESSED!!

  29. It all looks beautiful!!!

  30. Looks really pretty! Very original!!! I had to Pin!

  31. That looks incredible... As always, you have such an eye for beauty and balance and color. Your photo shoot is going to be amazing!


  32. Love that basket - is it ikea or target?

  33. Gorgeous. You have impeccable taste! Can you share where you got your green moss balls and other green decor balls throughout your home? They are all different and are great accents.

    1. Thanks! I made some of them and purchased the rest of them at a store here in Williamsburg called Savvy about three years ago.

  34. IKEA and Target ... my two favorite stores. Love the cheery oranges in the midst of winter.

    Hope you get some sleep.


  35. Oh, how I love Ikea and Target. They look lovely! Thanks for the inspiration!


  36. Jennifer, everything in your home is so beautiful! You never cease to amaze, I love your timeless classy style! I have never seen your powder room but would love to know if you put the wall paper in yourself and if you know the pattern and manufacturer. It is so soft and pretty! Thank You and God Bless!

    1. Thanks so much! I got the wallpaper from American Blinds about 3 years ago, but honestly I can't remember what that name of it was :( If I have time later I will try to look and see if I still have the box somewhere.

  37. Thanks Jennifer! Would you say the color is yellow or more of a cream color? Have you shown any other pictures of that powder room? I would love to see! :)))

    1. It's more of a cream or even a very light tan. No, I don't think I have shown any pictures before. I don't have the type of lens needed to get shots of that room, but if I ever splurge and get a wide-angle lens I will probably put some up.

  38. Did you put anything else new in the kitchen besides the Ikea & Target stuff? It looks wonderful!

    1. Thanks, Lea! That was all for this round of decorating!

  39. Hi- can you please tell me where you purchased your white canisters from?

  40. So cute! I love the TP in the basket, looking at Target online to find it but I can't :( Must be discontinued.

    1. Thanks! It's from IKEA and I am pretty sure they still have them. =)

  41. Please, please do the tutorial :)


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